Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selaković at the meeting of the UN Security Council on the report on the work of UNMIK (October 18, 2022) |
Mr. President,
Madam Special Representative,
Ladies and gentleman,
It gives me honor to address this distinguished body once again and to discuss the latest report of the Secretary-General on the work of the UNMIK.
I would like to thank the Secretary-General and the Special Representative for submitting the report. We take note of the efforts that Ms. Ziadeh makes in performing this very responsible duty, especially bearing in mind the necessity of a comprehensive overview and the complexity of the situation on the ground.
I also take this opportunity to underline that the Republic of Serbia highly values the activities of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, established under UN Security Council Resolution 1244. We advocate for its continued operation in an unchanged and undiminished scope and capacity, especially bearing in mind that the Mission has not yet achieved the main goal of its mandate - a peaceful and normal life for all citizens of our southern province.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Unfortunately, the last few months have not brought more stability in Kosovo and Metohija and the situation in the Province is not exactly as presented in the report. Unilateral moves of Pristina continue to consciously and systematically deepen ethnic differences, causing discrimination against the non-Albanian population. To our knowledge, 105 ethnically motivated attacks have been recorded since the beginning of this year. In addition, Pristina is actively working on administrative and bureaucratic obstacles, by taking measures that were not agreed upon in the dialogue as the basic mechanism for negotiations and reaching solutions between Belgrade and Pristina. Pristina’s approach is problematic in many ways. This irresponsible conduct of Pristina is consciously sabotaging the efforts not only of Belgrade, but also of the EU and other involved parties of the international community, with the clear intention of achieving two goals - the first being to avoid the implementation of assumed commitments. The second, the ultimate and far more alarming goal is the intimidation, marginalization and persecution of Serbs.
In all previous statements before this this distinguished body, Pristina focused on what happened in the past while failing to mention, which is painful to witness, how non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija live today. Serbs are still intimidated in different ways, forced to leave their homes, villages and cities. Those displaced are discouraged from returning to where they were born and lived their lives.
The provisional institutions work systematically to remove and erase as much as possible of the cultural and national diversity that is left. At the same time, Pristina is consciously fueling inter-ethnic tensions using all available methods.
Attending religious celebrations seems to be a crime in Kosovo and Methohija. It is the case of Nikola Nedeljković who was arrested for allegedly "inciting ethnic hatred and intolerance", but actually his imprisonment was for attending the St. Vitus Day (Vidovdan) celebration.
Nikola was sentenced to eight months in prison without any material evidence. On the other hand, let me remind you that even to this day there is not a single perpetrator held legally accountable for the more than 1,000 Serbs killed since 1999. Due to planned intimidation, almost all towns and villages in Kosovo and Metohija are ethnically cleansed. Representatives of Pristina are ignoring the suffering, insulting the open wounds of the Serbs who had to leave their ancestral homes, and I underline, there are more than 200,000 of them. Such conduct has not change for last 23 years and is in complete opposite to the democratic values and principles that the provisional institutions of self-government often promote in their statements.
Therefore, I consider it necessary to emphasize that the true political will of the involved international actors and Pristina is necessary in order to create the conditions for the beginning of the end of discrimination on a national basis and common life in the Province.
Esteemed members of the Security Council, I would like to draw your attention to the rigid, problematic and extremely irresponsible conduct of the other negotiating party within the dialogue. In achieving the above-mentioned goals, Pristina applies the so-called policy of reciprocity, a well-thought-out, malicious strategy that, unfortunately, was not constructed independently. By continuously insisting on mutual recognition as a central part of the dialogue, the so-called policy of reciprocity demonstrates the essential unwillingness of the current political leadership of Pristina to find any compromise solution. Let me remind you that the talks between Belgrade and Pristina did not start with last elections in Pristina, but have been in progress for 11 years since the technical dialogue started (8 March 2011). Therefore, we assess as inadmissible attempts to disregard the current format of the dialogue, and annul the agreements only because they are not to the liking of the current political factors. It is unacceptable that the current geopolitical circumstances are being used to simply erase what has been painstakingly worked on for years. Belgrade, I underline, was institutionally involved in the dialogue from the very beginning, while the commitment of the other side has varied and continues to vary depending on the political option that is in power.
The harsher political rhetoric and narrative of the current leadership of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina are accompanied by concrete destabilizing steps. In the reporting period, measures on license plates were imposed, disguised as attempts at alleged integration into society.
Let me remind you again, there was no agreement on such measures in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. I believe, ladies and gentlemen, that even today we will hear from the representative of Pristina that their side has fulfilled all obligations, but the decision on re-registration of license plates shows that Pristina is not only failing to fulfill what has been agreed upon, but it nullifies the results of the dialogue, creating a new crisis all over again. The effect of such forcibly imposed measures is best illustrated by the fact that since the decision was made a single-digit number of re-registered vehicles with Serbian license plates has been recorded, of which only two are Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija. This is another indicator that Pristina does not enjoy full support, but that, on the other hand, it continuously provokes the natural reaction of the Serbian population, which cannot endlessly be subject to the arbitrariness of temporary institutions.
I believe that even today we will hear already known narrative of representatives from Pristina who try to present every reaction of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija as an activity organized by Belgrade in alleged attempts at destabilization. Such claims are simply not true. Serbia, for its part, cannot in any way contain the revolt present among the non-Albanian population of Kosovo and Metohija. It is an undeniable fact that citizens' protests represent a voice against many years of institutional violence and the deprivation of rights of the non-Albanian population, which, in this case, is denied the right to peaceful enjoyment of private property acquired in a legal manner.
Pristina does not cease in its attempts to confiscate property, and, as is well-known, one of the targets is the Serbian Orthodox Church. By calling into question the return of property to the Dečani Monaster Pristina paradoxically does not execute the decisions of its own so-called Constitutional Court.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I thought for a long time how to best illustrate the true picture of everyday life of the non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija. I will mention only some of the facts. Numerous ethnically motivated incidents, hate speech, intimidation, violations of the right to a fair trial, threats to the right to freedom of movement and religious rights, desecration of churches and graves were recorded in the last reporting period as well. The frequent attacks on the sites of the Serbian Orthodox Church are also unacceptable, and especially the humiliating attitude towards the Serbian cultural and spiritual heritage, including the 4 monuments that have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Numerous administrative and technical barriers are imposed on priests and monastic communities, making it difficult and even impossible for them to survive on church properties.
When it comes to civil rights, try to imagine that the basic political and civil right to vote has been taken away from you.
This is precisely what the Serbs in the Province have experienced along with frequent intimidation and violent incursions of the ROSU special forces, which are an instrument for the implementation of Pristina's goals under the pretext of allegedly fighting crime.
In December last year Bratislav Nikolić the president of municipality of Štrpce has been detained, as suspected of the organized crime and corruption - still not charged, kept in detention unit in Podujevo, only for the reason to make additional and final pressure on the Serbian community living in the enclave of Štrpce. How can this be justified as the fight against crime when special forces are used to raid village festivals, schools and kidnap drivers of ambulance transporting infusion containers and medicines? What are the motives behind and how can one rationalize these actions? Just try to imagine and put yourself in the shoes of Ms. Dragica Gašić, the only Serbian returnee in Djakovica. Imagine that you are still not allowed to buy bread because of your origin and nationality, because you live in a municipality that the local Albanians proudly consider forbidden to non-Albanians. Imagine that as many as eleven Albanian civil society organizations demand your expulsion, as well as a ban on any non-Albanian ever returning to that town. Then you will realize the level of intimidation that Serb returnees are facing. It will be clear to you why the percentage of returnees is below 2% and why it is still one of the lowest in the world. Let me pose a question - are these the characteristics of a society that presents itself to the world as a fully fledged democracy and a factor of stability in the region?
We are aware that the dialogue has a wider dimension and that it can affect the situation in the entire region.
This is reflected in every statement given by Serbian officials, including the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. "It is better to negotiate for a hundred years than to fight for a day" are the words of our President that best describe the policy of peace, reconciliation, and regional cooperation pursued by the Serbian leadership, which is guided by the vision of building a common and prosperous future of the Balkans.
I believe that it is a duty of today's leaders to create a clear common vision for the future generations. Such a vision was shown by the leaders of Belgrade, Skoplje and Tirana by creating Open Balkan, an initiative from the region for the region, which is already producing concrete results. Serbia has on several occasions reached out to Pristina inviting it to join this initiative. We counted on an awareness of the importance of economic connectivity and progress for the benefit of the citizens of the entire Balkans. However, our invitation was not met with understating from the other side.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We categorically reject Pristina's argumentation regarding the alleged unconstitutionality of the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. It is clear that Pristina's attitude towards this obligation reflects its attitude towards the Serbian people in the Province. It also indicates that Pristina is against Serbian people being organized as an ethnic community and thus exercising their collective rights.
The aim of their approach, as a preferred model, is a community without Serbs, such as those in Pristina, Djakovica or Pec, or some similar localities in the Province. For our side, it is unacceptable that Pristina has refused to fulfil its obligations and discuss the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities for as much as 3,470 days but I assure you that, regardless of this fact, Serbia will not give up on its efforts to find a compromise solution for the current situation.
I will remind you that the representatives of Pristina, although they often repeat in their statements that the case of the so-called Kosovo is a fait accompli, continue not to be recognized by the majority of UN member states for 14 years now. If the so-called Kosovo's independence is a reality, how come that we have the dialogue? And how come that Belgrade is faced with increasing pressures as regards the need for mutual recognition? What the current political leadership of Pristina refuses to accept is that Belgrade cannot be left out in the search for a final solution. The same also applies to the case of the increasingly frequent indications about Pristina's upcoming membership in international organizations. Will these moves help to create the necessary atmosphere for dialogue? Are we, in this way, rewarding Pristina's destructive behaviour and refusal of dialogue? Our view is that the attempts of the so-called Kosovo to join international organizations are an unacceptable act and Serbia will work decisively against such steps.
During the last session in April this year, we could hear the calls of some members of the UN Security Council to reduce and even terminate UNMIK, with the explanation that Pristina has its own functional institutions. However, the circumstances I have presented to you and the situation on the ground remind us again that international presence in our southern province is still necessary. In this regard, we support the efforts made by UNMIK, KFOR, EULEX and OMIK within their mandates. The Serbian and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija has the highest confidence in the international presence and considers it a guarantor of security, which additionally confirms that international missions need to remain engaged in an undiminished scope and capacity in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244.
In conclusion,
I would like to point out that lately in all international forums we keep hearing calls for respect of the principles of the UN. We support the territorial integrity of all UN member states. But, what about Serbia? I would like to ask the esteemed members of this distinguished body whether the need to implement the principles of the UN Charter applies only to some or all of its members? As a country that consistently respects international law and still suffers the consequences of it being violated, we believe that the UN Charter and international law, including the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states, should be respected by all and apply indiscriminately to all UN member states.
Ladies and gentleman,
It was this body that more than two decades ago adopted Resolution 1244, which confirmed the territorial integrity of Serbia. This fact did not prevent certain countries from recognizing the so-called “Kosovo” and thus violating the UN principles, but also the resolution that they adopted, by adjusting international law to their interests and goals. Precisely because of this, the more and more frequent mentioning of the case of "Kosovo" is an indication that the precedent made opened a Pandora's box, because the strength of each principle rests on its full and universal application and unconditional adherence.
You will notice that I posed a lot of questions in my statement and I express hope that today we will hear answers to at least some of them from you, esteemed members of the UN Security Council and representatives of Pristina, because the inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija, of any nationality, whether they are Serbs or Albanians deserve it.
All the inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija have every right to expect an improvement in the atmosphere and the reduction of tensions on the ethnic level, which are a prerequisite for a normal life. For such a step to be made, we need constructiveness, which is not lacking on the Serbian side, genuine support of international actors. I emphasize that Serbia has always been and remains deeply committed to finding a sustainable solution by peaceful means, for the sake of peace, stability and a common future.
Thank you.
Further strengthening of economic, political ties with Japan (September 28, 2022) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today that during her two-day visit to Japan, she had important discussions with the officials of that country and that she hopes that they will contribute to the further development of bilateral cooperation.
In her address to the journalists, Brnabic said that in those meetings the focus was on the issue of Ukraine and Serbia's attitude towards that issue, adding that the curiosity of these political meetings, including the one with Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida, is that this topic is very present.
The meetings in Japan were a good opportunity to once again explain Serbia's principled position, the Prime Minister stated and expressed the hope that it would be useful because Japan is a country where the arrival of investors depends on the recommendation of the government.
In this context, Brnabic assessed that the meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister was good and that we will use these talks to further build political and economic ties with Japan.
Also, as she said, at the working breakfast with the representatives of the Parliamentary Friendship League of Japan and Serbia, she had the opportunity to explain Serbia's principled and clear position on the issue of Ukraine, which, as she said, will contribute to a better understanding of our position and that it has no effects on additional investments from Japan.
Accordingly, she added that she is returning to Serbia with a lot of optimism that we will have good news regarding Japanese investments, if not this year, certainly in the next year.
Japanese politics are quite different from those in Europe and other parts of the world. They do not exert pressure, but they are interested in hearing what our position is, why we did not impose sanctions on Russia, how our position coincides with theirs, and it is essentially the same, Brnabic presented.
We are not neutral on the matter either. Our position is clear, we joined the UN resolutions and EU declarations and condemned the aggression, the Prime Minister reminded and noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia clearly said that we will not recognize the results of the referendum in the Ukrainian regions.
According to her, the only difference is that we don't want to impose sanctions on Russia, and we have well-reasoned reasons for that.
The Prime Minister stated that an invitation has been opened to the Japanese imperial family to visit Serbia, and that she has extended an invitation to visit her Japanese colleague as well.
She reminded that earlier today she had a meeting with the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and now Minister for Digitalisation of Japan Taro Kono, who visited Serbia in 2019.
We talked about the fact that it would be good to sign an agreement on cooperation between the Japanese Agency for Digitisation and our Office for IT and eGovernment, and that might be an opportunity for him to visit Serbia again, she said.
The Prime Minister said that she will try to ensure that our country continues to nurture relations with Japan because these relations, both economically and politically, are important to us.
Serbia, Japan committed to development of friendly relations (September 28, 2022) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out today, in a meeting with Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida, that she is honoured to represent Serbia at the state funeral of Shinzo Abe, who was our great friend and who worked a lot to strengthen the partnership, political and economic relations between Serbia and Japan.
The Prime Minister stated that in Tokyo she also spoke with businessmen who are investing in Serbia, and added that we have taken advantage of the fact that we are home to companies like "Nidec", "Yazaki", "Toyo Tires".
Kishida, expressing gratitude to Brnabic for coming to the state funeral of the former Japanese prime minister, noted that Abe visited Serbia in 2018, after which Japanese investors invested.
He added that Serbia and Japan are celebrating 140 years of diplomatic relations, and accordingly pointed to the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.
Brnabic spoke in Tokyo this morning with representatives of the Serbia-Japan Parliamentary Friendship League about all issues concerning the relations between the two countries.
At the working breakfast, Brnabic reminded that the two countries are celebrating 140 years of friendship and diplomatic relations this year, and that yesterday was the day when those relations were established almost a century and a half ago.
I would like to hear from you how Japan views all the events in Europe and the challenges we all face in the world, said the Prime Minister and expressed her gratitude for their commitment to building ties and friendship with Serbia, assessing that it means a lot to us in every sense – political, economic and human.
The parliamentary friendship group with Serbia in the Japanese parliament is led by Ichiro Aisawa for years, as well as honorary consul general of Serbia in Osaka and the president of the company “Kincho” Naohide Ueyama and former ambassador of Japan to Serbia Tadashi Nagai, who is also the president of the Serbia-Japan Society and an honorary citizen of Belgrade.
Aisawa welcomed the Prime Minister of Serbia and said that he will continue to contribute to the development of relations between Serbia and Japan.
Today in Tokyo, Brnabic spoke with the Minister of Digitisation of Japan Taro Kono, about the importance of digitalisation and the development of electronic administration, which are crucial for citizens and the economy.
We are looking forward to the start of the implementation of the "Ninja" accelerator (Next INnovation with Japan), a three-month accelerator program intended for startups in the phase of intensive growth, which is implemented by "Digital Serbia" in partnership with JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), she stated.
The Prime Minister presented the potential of Serbia in the field of digital transformation to the Japanese minister, especially the potential for cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence with the Serbian Institute for Artificial Intelligence and the BIO4 campus.
She presented her interlocutor with a Monograph on 140 years of diplomatic relations, which the two countries are celebrating this year, as well as Serbian wine intended for the Japanese market, while Kono reciprocated with a birthday gift for the Prime Minister.
Number of Japanese investors in Serbia growing (September 27, 2022) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic hosted a dinner in Tokyo today for Japanese businessmen whose companies operate in Serbia, expressing satisfaction that the number of investors from Japan in our country is growing.
Brnabic, who attended the state funeral ceremony for former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo today, wanted to hear from Japanese businessmen what else our country can do to further improve their business in Serbia.
We are happy that the number of Japanese investors in Serbia is increasing, especially in the last three years. Japanese investors are one of the most conservative and once they come to a country, others follow them, the Prime Minister said.
She pointed out that the late former prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe was a great friend of Serbia and that in 2018 he visited our country with a business delegation.
The Prime Minister toasted the friendship between Serbia and Japan, thanking the businessmen of that country for believing in Serbia.
The dinner was attended by Toyo Tire Corporation President Takashi Shimizu, Yazaki Corporation President Riku Yazaki, Japan Tobacco Chairman Mutsuo Iwai, Mint Japan President Tomoyuki Yamada, Minth Group's Sophie Chin, Division Chief Executive Officer of Automotive at Toyota Tsusho Corporation Shigeru Harada, as well as Rikiya Iwase, General Manager of the Global Sales Division of Toyota Tsusho Corporation.
Also, the dinner was attended by Executive Vice President of Mitsubishi Corporation Kiyotaka Kikuchi, as well as one of the vice presidents of NIDEC Group Junichiro Nakayama.
Brnabic attends funeral of former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe (September 27, 2022) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended today the state funeral ceremony for former prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe in Tokyo, after which she extended her condolences to Abe’s widow Akie Abe and Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida.
The state funeral of Abe was held at the Nippon Budokan area in Tokyo, in the presence of over 4,000 guests, including members of the Japanese royal family and more than 700 officials from around the world.
Earlier today Brnabic met with Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong, with whom she spoke about the digitalisation of the public administration, modern education and the current political situation in the world.
140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan was marked (June 15, 2022) |
Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs solemnly marked the anniversary – 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan.
On this occasion, the distinguished guests were addressed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selaković, Director of the Post of Serbia Zoran Đorđević and Ambassador of Japan Takahiko Katsumata.
Pointing out that the date of the first diplomatic correspondence between Serbian King Milan Obrenović and Japanese Emperor Meiji in 1882 was being marked, Selaković proudly noted that there were not many countries in the world that had the contacts and cooperation that Serbia and Japan had in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
“The past 140 years have been marked by tumultuous historical events, wars and economic crises and, in almost all periods, Serbia and Japan have maintained contacts and cooperation that we remain proud of today”, Selaković said, adding that the great geographic distance between our two states has never discouraged aspirations by both sides to encourage and cherish mutual cooperation and friendship."
Minister Selaković stated that nowadays the cooperation between our two countries was successfully developing in a large number of areas, with excellent mutual contacts between our officials and an intensive and open political dialogue. He also noted that Serbia has hosted high-ranking Japanese officials, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Foreign Minister Taro Kono in recent years, as well as that Prime Minister Ana Brnabić has attended the enthronement ceremony of Japanese Emperor Naruhito. The Minister said he was looking forward to new fruitful contacts, which are being intensively inquired.
“We are very pleased with the fact that the Republic of Serbia and Japan are recording significant results in the economic field, and that Japanese companies have recognised the benefits of their presence in our country,” said the Minister and underlined that the Government of Serbia was ready to provide all necessary assistance to new Japanese investors in their business ventures.
In his address Selaković especially pointed out that the Serbian and Japanese peoples were supporting each other even in difficult times, and that the Ambassador of Japan was among the few who remained in Serbia all 78 days of NATO aggression in 1999, as well as that the great earthquake in Japan in 2011 awakened great solidarity of the Serbian people and the desire to help the friendly Japanese people in need.
“Every citizen of Belgrade knows about the yellow buses from Japan, the popular “Japanese” which are a symbol of Japanese unselfish donations and help provided to our country in the past two decades. I take this opportunity to express my great gratitude for the exceptional solidarity and assistance provided by Japan to the citizens of Serbia, which, including donations, favourable yen loans and technical assistance, exceeded EUR 508 million. The Serbian people do not forget that,” said the Minister, adding that numerous persons have also contributed to the friendship between Serbia and Japan and received the highest state decorations of the Republic of Serbia and Japan for their contribution to improving cooperation between the two countries.
Director of the Post of Serbia Zoran Đorđević presented a special edition of postage stamps issued as part of this anniversary, stating that the Post of Serbia in this way wanted to contribute to the celebration of that important anniversary.
“There is no doubt that the friendship between Serbia and Japan exists and lasts, and I am sure that this friendship will be even greater in the future,” Đorđević said.
Ambassador of Japan Takahiko Katsumata pointed out that the friendship between Serbia and Japan was developing well, that relations in various spheres were cherished, and he emphasised that political dialogue, diplomatic cooperation and economic and business relations have improved in recent years.
“Japan will never forget the support of the Serbian people when 11 years ago Japan was hit by a great earthquake and tsunami, in which more than 20,000 people lost their lives.
I sincerely hope that this exhibition will bring our two peoples and cultures even closer and that it will illustrate the history of our relations to the visitors,” the Ambassador said.
In the end, all the guests had the opportunity to take a tour of the exhibition set up as part of this anniversary, which showed the most important documents from the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry and the Archives of Yugoslavia, which testify to the rich cooperation between the two countries.
The ceremony was attended by numerous persons who contributed to the strengthening of ties between Serbia and Japan, such as Dragan Stojković Piksi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to Japan Ivan Mrkić and Professor Ljiljana Marković .
Exhibition “My Serbia Fairytale” by Akiko Koga at Steps Gallery |
We invite you to visit “My Serbia Fairytale” exhibition by Akiko Koga. The exhibition will be held from 15 to 25 June 2022 at Steps Gallery.
Opening of Vladislav Šćepanović's solo exhibition at Gallery TS4312 in Tokyo (June 4, 2022) |
As part of the activities marking the 140th anniversary of friendship between Serbia and Japan, a solo exhibition of paintings by Vladislav Šćepanović, Professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, was officially opened at the Tokyo Gallery T-4312, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information and the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo.
During the opening, the artist presented the paintings to the visitors, explaining socially and politically engaged motives of his work.
Representatives of the Embassy pointed out that the relations between Serbia and Japan in the previous 140 years were marked by cultural and artistic exchange, which with its universal expressions contributed to greater mutual understanding and strengthening ties between the two peoples. They expressed satisfaction that the Japanese audience will have the opportunity to get acquainted with contemporary art in Serbia through the work of one of the most prominent Serbian artists.
Ambassador Kovač visits Aoyama Gakuin University (June 3, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač gave a lecture on the topic of 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan at the prestigious Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo.
During the lecture, which was attended by about 150 students and guests from other universities, Ambassador Kovač spoke about the history and cultural heritage of Serbia and relations between Serbia and Japan from the first official bilateral contacts until today, emphasizing solidarity between the two nations during difficult times.
Before giving the lecture, Ambassador Kovač met with the President of this educational institution, Hiroshi Sakamoto to discuss opportunities for establishing cooperation with universities in Serbia, academic exchange, as well as deepening cooperation in terms of the promotion of Serbia.
Ambassador Kovač expressed her thanks for the realization of the joint initiative of the Embassy of Serbia, Aoyama Gakuin University, Matsubara Foods and organization My Serbia from Japan for including the traditional Serbian dish mućkalica on the menu of the University canteen during June.
Ambassador Kovač and the Embassy staff had the opportunity to try mućkalica together with professors and students.
Promotion of Serbia in Yokohama (May 28 and 29, 2022) |
At the invitation of Kanagawa TV and with the support of the Japanese company "Toa Gas" from Yokohama, the Embassy participated in a two-day bazaar (May 28 and 29) called "Kanagawa Mirai Street". The Embassy had its own stand where Serbian products, imported by the company "Makoto Investments" (wines and ajvar), were sold, as well as the ready- made Serbian dish mućkalica sold by company "Matsubara Foods". In addition to the representatives of the Embassy and Makoto Investments, the students of the Toyo Eiwa University and Professor Saori Machida also volunteered at the Serbian stand.
Various information about Serbia and the jubilee of 140 years of friendship with Japan were presented, items of folk handicrafts and folk costumes were exhibited, and a large number of guests visited our stand and showed great interest in our country, culture and customs. On the second day in front of the Serbian stand, Ambassador Kovač met with the President of Kanagawa TV Yoshikazu Kumagai, the Mayor of Joetsu in Niigata Prefecture Kanta Nakagawa, Member of the Lower House of Parliament (LDP) Naoki Furukawa, Member of the Lower House of Parliament (Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan) Makoto Yamazaki and Ambassador of Hungary.
Ambassador Kovač visits the Min-on Concert Association (May 25, 2022) |
On May 25, 2022, Ambassador Kovac visited one of the largest private cultural institutions in Japan - Min-on Concert Association, where she talked with Kazuto Ito, President of the Association, about opportunities for cooperation and promotion of Serbian music culture and tradition. This well-known and influential institution, founded in 1963, has so far represented over 100 countries in Japan as part of a diverse music and dance program. Ambassador Kovac presented the history of relations between Serbia and Japan and pointed out the importance of cultural exchange for strengthening bilateral relations, especially in the year when we are celebrating the 140th anniversary of friendship. She pointed out that “kolo” and “gusle” were inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, but also pointed out other contemporary forms of musical expression in Serbia and the rich music scene. It was agreed to continue close contacts regarding possible projects.

Visit of the members of the Minato International Association to the Embassy (May 24, 2022) |
On May 24, 2022, the Embassy of Serbia was visited by the management and members of the Minato International Association. Our colleague Tijana Nagato gave a presentation on Serbian customs, culture, gastronomy and ties with Japan, with an emphasis on 140 years of friendly relations between the two countries. The guests were especially interested in the issues of the population policy of Serbia, the educational system, sports and art in Serbia, as well as what Japan is most famous for in our country. After the presentation, the Embassy organized a reception, where Serbian wine and brandy were served, as well as traditional specialties and desserts.

Tokyo: Presentation of the project of restoration of frescoes in the Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery (May 19, 2022) |
Marking the 140th anniversary of friendship between Serbia and Japan, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo hosted a presentation of the restoration project of the frescoes in the Chapel of King Dragutin in the Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery, a component of the "Old Ras and Sopoćani" from the UNESCO World Heritage List. The project, funded by the Sumitomo Foundation and Kincho, a company headed by the Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Serbia Naohide Uejama, was realized last year. Lectures on this occasion were given by the author of the project, art historian Sachi Shimada and Professor Michitaka Suzuki, an expert on Serbian medieval cultural heritage from Tohoku Gakuin University. The presentation and reception, organized by the Embassy afterwards, were attended by Honorary Consul General Ueyama and representatives of the Sumitomo Foundation, as well as members of the Japan-Serbia Association, representatives of the Chioda UNESCO Association, members of the academic community and other admirers of Serbian cultural heritage.
In her welcome speech, Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač thanked Sachi Shimada for realizing the project of exceptional importance for our country and the world, but also for cultural exchange and cooperation between Serbia and Japan. She expressed her gratitude to the Sumitomo Foundation and Kincho for recognizing the importance of the project and financially supporting it. The Ambassador assessed that heritage is the cornerstone of our culture, which plays an important role in shaping identity and represents what we inherited from the past, to enjoy and learn from it in the present, and to preserve and pass it on to future generations. She thanked all the participants in the project for helping Serbia in such an important task.
Ambassador Kovac met with Masahiro Ueki, newly appointed Head of the JICA Balkans Office (May 9, 2022) |
The newly appointed head of the JICA Balkans Office based in Belgrade, Masahiro Ueki, visited the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo, ahead of assuming his duties. During the meeting, Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač emphasized the importance of continuation of engagement with the current JICA projects in Serbia, bearing in mind that numerous projects were suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She expressed the expectation that JICA will act in the direction of continuing to provide support to Serbia in the field of environmental protection, transport and market-oriented economic reform. The readiness for close cooperation and exchange of information with the Embassy was confirmed.
Selaković: Serbia is actively involved in combating terrorism, radicalism and extremism (May 11, 2022) |
Today, in Marrakesh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selaković participated in the Ministerial Meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. Minister Selaković said that Serbia was committed to the multilateral aspect of the fight against terrorism, adding that he firmly believed the United Nations should be the key forum for international cooperation in this field.
Minister Selaković stated that Serbia was fulfilling all international obligations pertaining to the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions, especially those related to the introduction of arms embargoes, including bans aimed at non-state actors, terrorist organisations and related individuals. He emphasised that Serbia was a signatory to 15 international conventions against terrorism. “By participating in multinational UN and EU peacekeeping missions, Serbia is making a concrete contribution to preserving regional and global security,” Minister Selaković said, paying tribute to a member of the Serbian Army, Lieutenant Colonel Dejan Stanojević and his colleagues, who tragically lost their lives on March 29 in the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
“Serbia does not diminish the importance of other international forums, which is why it joined the Global Coalition from the very beginning, and selflessly contributes to international efforts to fight ISIS, primarily through various forms of donations in military equipment, ammunition, and training in Iraqi security forces”, Minister Selaković said. He added that as a candidate country for membership in the European Union, Serbia gave its full contribution through active participation in European policies on the fight against terrorism, and had developed a strategic cooperation with EUROPOL.
Minister Selaković noted that Serbian criminal legislation provided instruments to prevent and punish the encouragement, organisation, and participation of its citizens in wars or conflicts in foreign countries. He explained that the Serbian judicial authorities had completed proceedings against 7 persons engaged in foreign battlefields, and that several investigations against persons connected with terrorist activities were underway.
Minister Selaković said that the fight against terrorism, radicalism and extremism was a priority, and that Serbia was actively involved in combating these challenges and threats at the domestic, regional, and international level.
Serbia to donate humanitarian aid for endangered population in Ukraine (May 5, 2022) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic participated today via video link in the International Donors' Conference for Ukraine, held in Warsaw, Poland.
Starting from its own experience with a large number of refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) in its territory, of whom a great number are unfortunately still internally displaced, the Republic of Serbia is aware of the importance and need to send humanitarian aid to civilians caught in war conflicts, especially to children as exceptionally vulnerable category of the population.
That is why the Republic of Serbia will donate humanitarian aid worth €3 million to children, as well as displaced persons inside and outside Ukraine, which will be directed through the UN system, of which €1.5 million through the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and €1.5 million through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
Prime Minister Brnabic said that Serbia, since the start of the conflict, follows with special attention the consequences to the civil population in the first place, the difficult humanitarian situation and the increase in the number of refugees and IDPs and added that it is necessary to create conditions for the delivery of humanitarian aid and support all efforts aimed at stopping the conflict.
Brnabic recalled that on 24 March the Republic of Serbia voted in favour of the Resolution on the Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine in the UN General Assembly.
In addition, on 27 February the Serbian government adopted a decision on sending humanitarian aid to the endangered population of Ukraine and activated for the first time the Interim protective mechanism for displaced persons coming from that country.
“The citizens of Serbia sympathise with citizens of Ukraine in their wish to return to normal life in which future generations will live without fear of war”, Brnabic concluded in her speech.
The conference was organised by Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki and Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, in cooperation with President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.
All COVID19-related control measures and restrictions for the entry of passanger into the Republic of Serbia were lifted on 3 May. |
All COVID19-related control measures and restrictions for the entry of passanger into the Republic of Serbia were lifted on 3 May 2022.
More details on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia:
Ambassador Kovač at the annual reception of the Japan-Serbia Association (April 19, 2022) |
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Japan Aleksandra Kovač attended the annual reception of the Japan-Serbia Association, with the participation of about 60 members, led by the Board of Directors.
On this occasion, the director of the Department of Culture and Sports of the city of Fujimi, Makoto Suzuki, held a special presentation on the ties between Serbia and Japan, the history of the sister cities of Fujimi and Sabac and the activities of promoting Serbia before the Olympic Games in Tokyo.
In her speech, Ambassador Kovač thanked the Society and paid tribute to its members for their important role and commitment to deepening bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan in numerous areas. She assessed that the friendship between our two countries, which this year marks an impressive 140 years, was imbued with various historical challenges, but that, despite that and with the support of the Society, decades of cultural, educational and business exchanges have built mutual understanding. She added that today Serbia and Japan share lasting and deep ties, based primarily on the spirit of solidarity, which was especially evident in very difficult moments for our two peoples, such as war suffering and natural disasters. She pointed out that our partnership offers great potential, as evidenced by the increase in Japanese investments in Serbia.
Meetings of Ambassador Kovac on the margins of the conference "Our Ocean", Palau (April 12-14, 2022) |
On the margins of the 7th International Conference "Our Ocean", co-organized by Palau and the USA in Koror, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Palau on a non-residential basis Aleksandra Kovac held bilateral meetings with Palau officials during which, in a very cordial atmosphere, the state of bilateral relations and the possibilities for improving the cooperation between our two countries was discussed.
In addition to President of the Republic of Palau Surangel S. Wipps Jr., Ambassador Kovac met with former President Tommy Remengesau, Speaker of the House of Representatives Sabino Anastacio, Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gustav Aitaro, Minister of Health and Services Jafar Uherbelau, Senate MP Mason Whipps (head of the State Affairs Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee), Senate MP Kazuki "Topps" Sugino (in charge of communities, culture, youth and sports), President of the National Olympic Committee Frank Kyoto and Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee Baklai Temengil.
Ambassador Kovac expressed gratitude for Palau's position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as Serbia's readiness to continue strengthening and developing relations and friendship, on the basis of already existing bilateral agreements which, among other things, relate to education, science, youth and sports. She pointed out that in terms of environmental protection and the fight against climate change, as priority issues for the survival of the island countries, our two countries can achieve constructive cooperation within international organizations, such as the United Nations.
During the talks, Ambassador Kovac praised the noticeable efforts of Palau to organiza the Conference after its postponement due to the pandemic, and expressed gratitude for the warm hospitality.
Tokyo: Ambassador Kovač at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the city of Fujimi (April 10, 2022) |
As part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the city of Fujimi, the sister city of Šabac, Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač attended the central event as a guest of honor, at the invitation of Mayor Mitsuhiro Hoshin.
In her speech, Ambassador Kovač said that this year we are celebrating 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan, as well as 40 years of Fujimi and Sabac sisterhood, and thanked Mayor Hoshin and his associates for many years of valuable efforts to strengthen ties with Šabac and its citizens. Expressing regret over the impossibility of the Šabac delegation's personal presence due to the pandemic measures in force in Japan, she pointed out that Šabac and Fujimi in their long history of fraternal relations showed great solidarity in difficult times for both countries, especially in 2011 after the great earthquake in Tohoku region, as in 2014, after the catastrophic floods that hit Šabac and Serbia. In reference to Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, amb. Kovac thanked for the excellent conditions for preparations, cordiality and hospitality that our wrestling team encountered during its stay in Fujimi, which, among other things, contributed to winning the medal.
Saitama Prefecture Governor Motohiro Ono, Saitama Parliament Speaker Shinichi Nakayashi, Fujimi Parliament Speaker Takahiro Saito, Deputy Mayor Yoshiaki Asai, and Kawagoe Mayor Yoshiaki Kawai also addressed the gathering, in the presence of a large number of Japanese MPs and mayors a large number of Saitama prefecture cities.
The video message of the mayor of Šabac, Dr. A. Pajic, was also shown.
Ambassador Kovač at the meeting of the General Committee of the non-profit organization EU-Japan Fest (April 6, 2022) |
The annual meeting of the General Committee of the non-profit organization EU-Japan Fest was held at the residence of the Irish Ambassador in Tokyo, which was dedicated to presenting the activities of this NPO in terms of strengthening ties with European Capitals of Culture.
The meeting was attended by members of the Committee, which includes ambassadors from countries with European Capitals of Culture and the leadership of Japanese corporations that support the activities of the EU-Japan Fest.
The positive and important role of the EU-Japan Fest in strengthening cultural exchange and Japan's ties with Europe was emphasized in the speeches. The results achieved during 30 years of work and cooperation with the European Capitals of Culture, through which several tens of thousands of artists have been featured, were praised. It was assessed that, in times of challenges such as a pandemic, attention should be paid to culture and art, and work should be done to overcome global challenges through this type of projects. Satisfaction was also expressed due to the cooperation with Novi Sad, as well as the desire, especially of the Japanese representatives, to visit it.
In her address, Ambassador Kovac promoted the selection of Novi Sad as the European Capital of Culture, as the first city from an EU candidate country to be selected. She introduced its concept and major projects, as well as previously won awards in Europe. She expressed satisfaction that, despite the delay, the year in which the title is realized (2022) coincides with the celebration of important anniversaries - 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan and 30 years of EU-Japan Fest. Promotional and video messages sent by the Novi Sad 2022 team were broadcast at the event.
©Brian Scott Peterson |
Tokyo: Ambassador Kovac with Kichizaemon Sumitomo, President of the Sumitomo Foundation (April 7, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Kichizaemon Sumitomo, President of the Sumitomo Foundation, with whom she discussed cooperation in the field of restoration and conservation of Serbia's cultural heritage.
Ambassador Kovač thanked President Sumitomo for the Foundation’s support in the realization of the project of restoring the frescoes in the Church of King Dragutin within the Đurđevi Stupovi monastery, a component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Stari Ras i Sopoćani", in which art historian Sachi Shimada participated on the Japanese side. She briefly presented the history and key role of Serbian cultural heritage in nurturing cultural identity, with special reference to monasteries and cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija.
Speaking about the importance that the Republic of Serbia and its institutions attach to the preservation of cultural heritage, she called on the Foundation to get involved in new conservation and restoration projects that are of great importance for our country, noting that cooperation in this area greatly contributes to strenghthening the ties between Serbia and Japan, which this year celebrate 140 years of friendship.
The Sumitomo Foundation, founded in 1991, has supported a large number of projects in Japan and other countries aimed at protecting, preserving and restoring cultural properties of special importance to future generations.
Exhibition MEMORIAL MBDJ13 from April 24 to May 8, 2022 in Shiga Prefecture |
Exhibition MEMORIAL MBDJ13 with works of Serbian art group “Široka staza” will take place from April 24 to May 8 in “Piazza Omi” Gallery in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture.
Please find more information below.
Ambassador Kovač addressed the General Assembly of the Japan-Serbia Friendship Parliamentary League (April 5, 2022) |
Under the framework of 140th anniversary of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan, the General Assembly of the Japan-Serbia Parliamentary Friendship League was on April 5. In the presence of President of the League Ichiro Aisawa and its Executive Director Minoru Kiuchi, Ambassador of Serbia to Japan Aleksandra Kovač addressed the members of the Parliament, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japan-Serbia Association and Japanese companies that successfully operate in Serbia.
She stated that, in the context of international relations, this rarely long period of friendship between our countries was imbued with various great historic challenges. She emphasized that the solidarity of two peoples, which manifested in very difficult moments of wars and natural disasters, has especially brought Serbia and Japan closer, despite their great geographical distance. She recalled that the bilateral political dialogue was further strengthened after the visit of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Serbia, and conveyed gratitude to Japanese companies that had invested throughout our country, thus contributing to its economic progress.
Ambassador Kovač expressed the expectation that the Parliamentary League will actively contribute to marking of this year's jubilee and to realization of priorities as well as series of activities, including high-level visits, strengthening cooperation with Japanese institutions, local authorities, private sector, but also through common cultural, educational and sports projects.
Ambassador Kovač underlined that Serbia remains committed to the European integration path and will continue to strongly advocate for the preservation and promotion of peace and stability in our region.
Presentation within the workshop "Global Leadership" for students of Kokugakuin Kugayama High School (April 4, 2022) |
At the invitation of Professor Yuriko Kawamoto of Kokugakuin Kugayama High School, Ambassador Kovač gave a lecture themed "What Does It Take to Become a Global Leader?", as part of a three-day Global Leadership workshop. Ambassador Kovač spoke about the challenges of globalization, sustainable development goals, Our Common Agenda presented by the UN Secretary General, the roles of world global leaders, the challenges on the world stage brought by the pandemic, as well as the role of young people and their importance in various social spheres. Before the lecture, representative of the Embassy Tijana Nagato spoke to the students about Serbia, its culture, sports, famous Serbs and ties with Japan in the premises of the Memorial Olympic Center for Youth. The participants of the workshop were interested in the education system in Serbia, how much young people are interested in voting in elections, the life of Serbian youth in general and their extracurricular activities.

Exhibition of works by Serbian and Japanese artists at the Steps Gallery, April 5-16, 2022 |
On the occasion of 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan, an exhibition of works by Serbian and Japanese artists will be held at the Steps Gallery in Ginza, from April 5 to 16, 2022. The exhibition is supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo. The exhibition will include works by Milan Tucovic, Sasa Marjanovic, Milica Nikolic, Mariana Andjelic, Branka Takahashi, Dragan Babovic and Jovana Tucovic.
Visit of the Minato-ku citizens during Minato Stamp Rally (March 17&24, 2022) |
Minato-ku citizens visited our Embassy on the occasion of the traditional Minato Stamp Rally.
This event is held every year in March, organized by the travel agency JTB with Minato-ku, with the aim that citizens visit the embassies located in the municipality and get acquainted with the culture and customs of those countries.
In two groups, on March 17 and 24, the embassy was visited by a total of twenty citizens for whom a presentation in Japanese on Serbian customs, culture, gastronomy and ties with Japan was held, with an emphasis on 140 years of friendly relations between the two countries.
The guests were especially interested in Serbian Slava and Christmas customs, sports and naive art.
We were assisted in the organization of the visit by Professor Saori Machida and Toyo Eiwa Joshi University students.
Address by Ambassador Kovač at the opening of the JICA Chair at the University of Belgrade (March 22, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač, participated via video link in the opening ceremony of JICA Chair at the University of Belgrade. The program of JICA Chair envisages a series of lectures on the topic of modernization of Japan, which will be held in 2022, on the occasion of marking the 140th anniversary of friendship between Serbia and Japan.
On the Japanese side, the event was attended by Chargé d'Affaires a. i. of the Embassy of Japan in Belgrade Tetsuya Tsubota, Chief Representative of the JICA Office in Belgrade Jiro Takeichi and Executive Director of the JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development Akio Takahara, while on Serbian side there was Rector of the University of Belgrade Vladan Đokić, lecturers from the Department of Japanese Language and Literature and other representatives of the University of Belgrade.
In her introductory speech, Ambassador Kovač welcomed the opening of JICA Chair in the year of the jubilee of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan. She emphasized the importance of JICA's two decades of support for the improvement of bilateral cooperation through development projects in various fields, which, among other things, have contributed to the prosperity of Serbian citizens. She also underlined the crucial role of the modernization of Japan, when relations with Serbia were established, thanks to which an environment was created for the progress of new industries and technologies. She noted that the principle from that time, which emphasized public education, as support for change and growth, is still present today, and expressed that we appreciate the continuous efforts of JICA to contribute to the development and improvement of educational systems in the world.

Ambassador Kovač met with State Minister for Foreign Affairs Takako Suzuki (March 18, 2022) |
In context of marking 140 years of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan, Ambassador of Serbia to Japan H. E. Aleksandra Kovač paid a courtesy call to State Minister for Foreign Affairs Takako Suzuki. In a fruitful meeting, two sides exchanged views on potentials for enhancing bilateral cooperation in number of areas.

Ambassador Kovač with the participants of the J-Win Executive Network mentoring program (March 18, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač had the last meeting as a mentor with three participants of the program "J-Win Executive Network Mentoring program by female ambassadors to Japan" of the non-profit organization "Japan Women's Innovative Network" (J-Win).
They discussed the experiences, regulations and practices in their companies that encourage the promotion of gender equality. They referred to the impact of the pandemic, the problem of insufficient number of women in high-ranking positions, as well as the need to change the business culture. The participants pointed out that they will continue to engage outside their work environment, in order to help raise awareness in society about the need to empower women in the business environment.
Tokyo: Ambassador Kovač at an event on sexual and reproductive health and rights (March 16, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač participated in the Second International Event on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), held in the Japanese Parliament and jointly organized by the EU Delegation and the NGO Japan Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP).
On this occasion, the address was given by the representatives of the Japanese MFA (Secretary of State T. Suzuki), ruling and opposition parties in the Parliament, NGO sector and ambassadors of the EU, Norway, France, Ireland, Paraguay, Morocco and Serbia.
In her address, Ambassador Kovač spoke about Serbia's advanced legal framework and internationally recognized results when it comes to gender equality, challenges and successful initiatives in terms of improving information access (engaging Roma women mediators) and public health (introduction of free HPV vaccines). In addition, she stressed the importance of the role of civil society organizations, which cooperate with relevant institutions, such as the Ministry of Health, and contribute to the improvement of national policies, as well as positive examples of media campaigns to support victims and eliminate sexual and gender-based violence.
Ambassador Kovač with Kaita Tsuchiya, Director of Europe Division at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (March 11, 2022) |
The Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Japan, Aleksandra Kovač, talked with Kaita Tsuchiya, Director of Europe Division at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) about a series of lectures on the modernization of Japan, which will be held for students at the University of Belgrade.
The series of lectures will be realized during 2022, within the newly established JICA Chair program (JICA Program for Japanese Studies), on the occasion of marking 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan.
Ambassador Kovač met with the Vice President of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (March 7, 2022) |
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač talked with Мs. Yoshiko Shirokizawa, Vice President of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, about deepening bilateral cooperation in the field of science and technological development.
During the meeting, they exchanged ideas and proposals on the possibilities for connecting Japanese and Serbian scientists and the development of projects in the fields of information technology, artificial intelligence, ecology, biomedicine, energy, etc.
The possibilities for training young scientists from Serbia in Japan through Sakura Science Exchange Program, which is implemented by this Agency, were also discussed.
Continuing cooperation with Japanese IONIC Corporation - Ambassador Kovač met with President Mitsuru Nishikawa (March 4, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač was pleased to receive the news about possibility of expanding the company's business with Serbia in the field of oral hygiene during the visit of IONIC Corporation President Mitsuru Nishikawa. She pointed out that, as before, we will provide the necessary support for the successful implementation of the project.
Starting from the exceptional results achieved so far in cooperation with "VisHealth", their distributor for Europe, Nishikawa shared positive impressions on high market profiling and readiness of the business sector in Serbia to accept innovative products.
Ambassador Kovač with the leadership of MINTH Group Ltd. and MINTH Japan Co., Ltd. (March 3, 2022) |
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač exchanged views on Serbian investment potentials with MINTH Group Ltd. Vice President William Chin, MINTH Japan Co., Ltd. Tamoyuki Yamada, and former State Minister of Defense and MINTH Japan Co., Ltd. Consultant Yasuhide Nakayama, ahead of their factory opening in town of Loznica in Serbia.
During the meeting mutual readiness was expressed in terms of deepening cooperation regarding economic promotion of Serbia in Japan and further engagement in attracting and connecting potential Japanese investors.
Ambassador Kovač with the President of Matsubara Foods and students from the Aoyama Gakuin University (March 1, 2022) |
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač talked with Ipei Narahara, President of Matsubara Foods, and the students from Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo (on behalf of the School of Student Business Leaders), about a project to promote Serbian culture and Serbian food at this prestigious University. The successful course of sales and the growing interest in the Serbian traditional dish mućkalica, which appeared on the Japanese market as a ready-made dish on the occasion of 140 years of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan, were emphasized.
Ambassador Kovač expressed her thanks for the great effort of Matsubara Foods in producing and marketing Serbian products and for including Aoyama Gakuin University, which will participate in the project.
Ambassador Kovač participated in the meeting of female ambassadors with PM Special Advisor for Women Empowerment Senator Masako Mori (24 March 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač participated in the meeting of female ambassadors with PM Special Advisor for Women Empowerment Senator Masako Mori to discuss the Gender Equality in Japan and their countries.
Interview of Ambassador Kovač for the “Sense Up Radio” podcast (24 March 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač gave an interview for the "Sense Up Radio" podcast, in which she answered questions by the host Haruna Furuhara about how she sees her role as Ambassador and "a bridge between Serbia and Japan", about the charm of Serbia, her experience of living in Japan and perception of Japanese society, gender equality, etc.

Serbian Ambassador to Japan, H. E. Ambassador Kovač presented her Credentials to the President of Palau H. E. Surangel Whipps, Jr. (February 22, 2022) |
Serbian Ambassador to Japan, H. E. Aleksandra Kovač, presented her Credentials to the President of Palau H. E. Surangel Whipps, Jr, in a virtual ceremony, thus officially taking over the duty of First Serbian Female Ambassador to Palau on a non-residential basis, based in Tokyo
Ambassador Kovač conveyed her high appreciation and deep gratitude to Palau for its position regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. She conveyed Serbia’s full commitment to strengthening of bilateral relations between our two countries and peoples, in the spirit of mutual respect, friendship and solidarity, through the enhancement of political dialogue, and cooperation in a wide range of areas.
During the ceremony, mutual interest was also expressed in the promotion of economic cooperation and trade exchange, cooperation in the transfer of knowledge in the field of information technologies, and intensifying people to people exchange.
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Minoru Fujitsuka, Executive Director of the Japanese Association for the 2025 World Expo in Osaka (February 10, 2022) |
In a kickoff meeting with Ambassador Kovač, Mr. Minoru Fujitsuka, Executive Director of the Japanese Association for the 2025 World Expo in Osaka, enthusiastically introduced foundations for a successful collaboration and Serbian participation.
Ambassador Kovač met with Deputy Assistant Minister/Deputy Director General of European Affairs Bureau and Special Representative for ASEM, Western Balkans and Visegrad Plus Japan, Ambassador Katsura Kitagawa (February 9, 2022) |
In the courtesy call paid by Ambassador of Serbia to Japan Alexandra Kovac to the Deputy Assistant Minister/Deputy Director General of European Affairs Bureau in Japanese MoFA and Special Representative for ASEM, Western Balkans and Visegrad Plus Japan, Ambassador Katsura Kitagawa, mutual understanding and readiness for promotion of bilateral cooperation and exchange were exchanged, especially in the context of marking the 140th anniversary of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan
Congratulating Ambassador Kitagawa on his appointment, Ambassador Kovac conveyed her belief in the continuation of the upward trend of overall bilateral relations, aiming in deepening connections between our two nations and countries.
Exhibiton at Steps Gallery |
Group exhibition "Pearls" will be open tomorrow at Steps Gallery in Tokyo (Ginza), where, in addition to works by Japanese artists, works by Serbian artist Sofija Ružić will be on display. The exhibition runs from February 9 to February 19 from 12:00 to 19:00 (the gallery is closed on Sundays, until 17:00 on Saturdays).
Sofija Ružić was born in Belgrade in 1990 and is a master of fine arts, living in Belgrade. She has participated in a large number of exhibitions in Serbia and abroad. In 2019, together with the Japanese artist Ryohei Tazaki, she had her works featured at the exhibition "Serbian-Japanese Cultural Exchange" at the gallery "X Vitamin" in Belgrade.
Gallery map

7 February 2022: Belgrade to get Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended today in Geneva the signing of the Agreement on the Establishment of the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Serbia, the first of its kind in the Western Balkans.
The agreement was signed at the headquarters of that forum by Director of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment Mihailo Jovanovic and Managing Director and Head of the Forum's Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Jeremy Jurgens.
The centre in Serbia will be the 16th in the network of centres of the World Economic Forum in the world and the first in the region of the Western Balkans.
The new centre will start operating on 1 March and will function as a non-profit organisation and a platform for public-private partnership and cooperation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, while the focus of work will be on artificial intelligence and bioengineering.
This centre will work within the Serbian government’s Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment and will cooperate with scientific institutes, state institutions and the private sector.
The signing of this document was also attended by founder and Executive Director of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab and President of the World Economic Forum Borge Brende, with whom Brnabic had previously met.
Addressing the press, Brnabic pointed out that this agreement is the result of many years of joint work between Serbia and the World Economic Forum.
We started talking in 2018, signed a Memorandum of Understanding, then 2020 hampered us a bit, but we continued to plan in 2021 and here we are today, she said.
According to her, the centre will be focused on the development of artificial intelligence, biomedicine and biotechnology, and on the ways in which digitalisation can raise the productivity of companies and the entire economy.
This is what further leads to higher salaries, a better standard of living, as well as to an economy that is mainly based on knowledge, creativity and innovation, Brnabic emphasised.
Today, we have received great recognition for everything that Serbia has done in the field of digitalisation, development of high technologies and paradigm shift – from an economy that was based on labour-intensive investments to digital development.
That is why this agreement shows that Serbia has been recognised as one of the leaders in the economy and IT industry in the last six years, the Prime Minister pointed out and assessed that this is the announcement of the beginning of an even closer cooperation between Serbia and WEF.
She added that they will have a joint meeting with the 16 WEF centres for the fourth industrial revolution in the world every month, at which they will talk about what each of them is doing, since each has a different focus.
That is how we will hear what everyone is doing every month, learn from each other and I am sure that the centre in Belgrade will be one of the best, the Prime Minister said.
According to her, this gives us visibility, the opportunity to further establish Serbia as an investment destination, a country good for living and investing in new technologies and knowledge.
Jovanovic said that the ecosystem formed around the centre will use the infrastructure of the National Platform for the Development of Artificial Intelligence, the Centre for Genome Sequencing and the future bioeconomic centre – BIO4 Campus.
Izvor/Foto: Tanjug
Ambassador Kovač met with the Member of the House of the Representatives of the Japanese Parliament, Mr. Ken Saito (February 7, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač paid a courtesy call to Member of the House of the Representatives of the Japanese Parliament, Mr. Ken Saito, former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. During the meeting mutual readiness was expressed in terms of expanding cooperation regarding economic promotion of Serbia in Japan and further engagement in attracting potential Japanese investments.
In a fruitful exchange of views with MP Saito on deepening bilateral economic ties and expanding opportunities for the promotion of Serbia in the 140th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan, Ambassador Kovač confirmed Serbia's reliability for Japanese investors, whose investments directly strengthen the economy., changing essentially position of Serbia.
MP Saito welcomed the Embassy's initiative in networking the business sector of the two countries, and, according to his personal 30-year experience in various economic Governmental insistutions, noted that the placement of information and exchange of positive experiences of Japanese investors in doing business in Serbia is a "voice", among other things, to establish partnerships between small and medium-sized enterprises of the two sides.
Ambassador Kovac with Shuji Kogi, Secretary General of the EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee (February 4, 2022) |
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovac talked with Shuji Kogi, Secretary General of the non-profit organization "EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee", about his visit to Novi Sad, where he attended the opening ceremony of the European Capital of Culture title on January 13.
Тhey also talked about the upcoming meeting of the General Committee of the EU-Japan Fest, of which Ambassador Kovac is a member.
Ideas were exchanged on possible activities during this year's commemoration of 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan.
Ambassador Kovač visited "IONIC Corporation" (January 31, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač visited "IONIC Corporation", a Japanese manufacturer of ionic toothbrushes in Nagareyama, whose products are sold in Europe thanks to established business cooperation with the Serbian company "VisHealth". The Ambassador was given an exceptional welcome by the IONIC CEO Micuru Nishikawa, City Mayor of Nagareyama Yoshiharu Izaki, Chairperson of the City Chamber of Commerce, and Industry Yoshiko Taguchi, and the employees of "IONIC". At the meeting, Ambassador Kovač exchanged opinions on various topics with her hosts, got acquainted with the company's vision, the City Administration's efforts to provide conditions for obtaining natural growth, women's empowerment, success of young business leaders such as Aleksandar Divac from VisHealth, creating environment for deepening cooperation between Serbia and Japan in light of 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan.

Tokyo: Serbian language workshop for children from the diaspora in Japan (January 30, 2022) |
First on-line workshop of the Serbian language for children from the Serbian diaspora in Japan was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo and on the occasion of St. Sava Day. After the introductory words of Ambassador Kovač, the lecture was given by Alma Okajima and Marija Milašinović Tominaga, who are participating in the Embassy’s project on a voluntary basis.
Going forward, the workshops, depending on the interest, will be held twice a month. Children will, thus, have the opportunity to hear the most beautiful poems and stories of Serbian children’s literature and to get acquainted with the Cyrillic alphabet, tradition and cultural heritage of Serbia.
Tokyo: Taping of the Tokyo MX TV show "Dinner at the Embassy" (January 27, 2022) |
On the occasion of 140 years of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan, an episode of the popular Tokyo MX TV show "Dinner at the Embassy" dedicated to Serbia was taped at our Embassy.
The host of the show, well-known actor and comedian Ru Oshiba, talked with Ambassador Kovač, who introduced him to historical and other interesting facts about Serbia, our cultural heritage, art, customs and main tourist attractions. The TV crew had the opportunity to try traditional Serbian dishes and desserts.
A special segment was dedicated to the history of bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan, and Ambassador Kovač showed, among other things, copies of the letters exchanged 140 years ago by Serbian King Milan Obrenovic and Japanese Emperor Meiji.
The half-hour show "Dinner at the Embassy" will be broadcast on February 19.
Ambassador Kovač gave a lecture at Showa Women's University (January 26, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač gave a lecture at Showa Women's University, which was preceded by a meeting with the management of this educational institution - Chancellor Mariko Banda and President Natsuko Kohara.
Topics of discussion were opportunities for establishing cooperation with universities in Serbia, student exchange and mentoring programs, as well as gender equality and women's empowerment.
During the lecture, which was attended by around 80 students via video conference, Ambassador Kovač spoke about the history and culture of Serbia, emphasizing the role of women and their contribution to the Serbian cultural heritage. A special segment was dedicated to the topic of gender equality in Serbia and the legal framework that regulates this area.
The students additionally showed interest in the standards and progress that Serbia has made in the field of gender equality and the advancement of women's rights, especially in relation with holding the executive positions in the public and private sectors.
The lecture was attended by several professors of this University, including prof. Mutsumi Kishiyama, who was a part of an academic exchange and stayed in Serbia during his studies. Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki Director of the Japan-Serbia Association Board and former Ambassador of Japan to Serbia and Ms. Etsuko Tsunozaki, Member of the Board also attended the lecture.
Ambassador Kovač visits the National Archives of Japan (January 24, 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač visited the National Archives of Japan, where she talked with the President of the Archives Kaoru Kamato about establishing cooperation, especially in the context of marking the 140th anniversary of friendship between Serbia and Japan. They emphasized the importance of archival material in nurturing the tradition of bilateral relations and deepening cultural and historical ties between the two peoples.
Mr. Kamato showed Ambassador Kovač the documents related to Serbia and the former Yugoslavia that are archived in this institution, including reports on Serbia in the First World War, details of SFRY President Josip Broz Tito's visit to Japan in 1968, and photographs taken during a visit to Belgrade of the then director of the Agency for Science and Technology of Japan, and later the Prime Minister of Japan and the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Eisaku Sato. Ambassador Kovač also visited the permanent exhibition of the Archive, which contains the most important documents of modern Japanese history.
Ambassador Kovač gave lecture “World History and Serbia” at prestigious Meiji University (January 20, 2022) |
On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan, Ambassador Kovač gave a lecture on history of Serbia and its relations with Japan upon invitation of Professor Koichi Toyokawa, School of Arts and Letters, History of Western Civilizations at Izumi campus of Meiji University.
Prof. Toyokawa expressed his gratitude for choosing Meiji University as the first in the jubilee year of friendship for Serbian ambassador to address. He stated that the lecture represents an extraordinary opportunity for students to personally hear more about Serbia directly from its ambassador.
Ambassador Kovač gave a historical overview of the development of the Serbian state from the period of settling in the Balkan Peninsula, with special attention to the Serbian spiritual and cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. She closely presented the establishment and development of bilateral relations from 1882 during Emperor Meiji to the present day and introduced students with examples of solidarity shown by the two nations in difficult times.
Students additionally showed interest in the customs, language and tradition of Serbia, as well as its priorities and relations with neighboring countries and the EU.
Ambassador Kovač with conductor Mitsuyoshi Oikawa (17 January 2022) |
Ambassador Kovač met with conductor Mitsuyoshi Oikawa, who initiated and supported guest performances of young talented pianists from Serbia in Japan in the previous years. They exchanged the ideas on the continuation of fruitful cooperation and deepening of cultural ties between Serbia and Japan.

Ambassador Kovač met with the delegation of the Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI) (January 12, 2022) |
Delegation of the Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI) headed by its President Mr. Toshiyuki Kosugi, accompanied with his associates from JOI’s Business Development Department, Director General Mr. Tomoyuki Ichijo and Deputy Director Ms. Aki Inomata has visited Embassy of Serbia. Over the fruitful meeting with Ambassador Kovač, President Kosugi presented a transparent interest in re-establishing cooperation with Serbia reminiscing a successful cooperation that JOI developed with SIEPA at the time, ten years ago.
President Kosugi stated his familiarity with the general situation in Serbia considering the fact that he was professionally engaged in "Itochu Corporation" during the launch of the Belgrade Public-Private Partnership Project for Waste, why he visited Belgrade (and Vinča) in October 2019.
Amb. Kovač thanked the representatives of JOI for recognizing Serbian potentials, consuidering Serbia as a reliable partner with a stimulating business environment. She introduced the interlocutors with the current economic parameters, the digitalization process and the treatment of foreign, primarily Japanese, investments in Serbia. Amb. Kovac expressed an interest in welcoming the Embassy’s opportunity to mark the 140th anniversary of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan together with JOI through an adequate model of cooperation.
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Micuki Harada and Мr. Tomoaki Ishii from Itochu Corporation who engaged in the Belgrade Waste PPP, which has been working on establishing an Energy for Waste-EfW system (January 5, 2022) |
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Japan, Aleksandra Kovač met with Belgrade-based Managing Director of Beo Clean Energy Ltd, Mr. Mitsuaki Harada and in „Itochu Corporation“' Development Sector Project leader, Мr. Tomoaki Ishii, engaged in the Belgrade Waste PPP, which has been working on establishing an Energy for Waste-EfW system.
„Itochu Corporation“ has been taking significant initiatives for a long time, successfully providing efficient technologies, transferring nowledge and experience, and improving business in Serbia.
Amb. Kovač stated that with this important project for the region, Serbia is showing a responsible approach to environmental protection, the circular economy and the green transition. She suggested that the potential expansion of the business opportunity of the already present "Itochu Corporation" in Serbia next year, consuming the circle of new Japanese partners, would significantly affect the economic promotion of Serbia in Japan and its further attractiveness to the potential Japanese investors.
Presenting the works on the construction of the leading facility within the public-private partnership stipulated for 25 years, ie the plant for energy utilization of municipal waste with a capacity of 1000 tons per day, which will produce electricity and heat from non-recycled waste (EfW), Mr. Harada pointed out that its commissioning in November 2022 will also significantly contribute to the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan.
Ambassador Kovač with pianist Aisa Ijiri (December 30, 2021) |
World-famous Japanese pianist Aisa Ijiri visited the Embassy, where she talked with Ambassador Kovac about the continuation of cooperation, as well as about the festival that will be organized by Ijiri in Belgrade in October 2022. They exchanged ideas on possible activities during the celebration of 140 years of the friendship between Serbia and Japan, in which Ijiri expressed her readiness to participate, reminding of the special ties she has with our country and artists.
Ambassador Kovac thanked Aisa Ijiri for her contribution to deepening the cultural ties between the two countries and the significant projects that this artist has implemented in Serbia and Japan, together with numerous Serbian musicians and cultural institutions.
A report about Serbian dish “mućkalica“ on a local TV station in the city of Fukuoka |
In the morning program of the show "Asadesu" on TV Kyushu Asahi KBC, which is broadcast in the city of Fukuoka on the island of Kyushu, a report was shown on the beginning of the sale of a ready-made Serbian stir-fry dish „mućkalica“, produced for the Japanese market by Matsubara Foods.
TV Kyushu visited the company whose headquarters are in Fukuoka and talked with the director Ipei Narahara, who pointed out the cooperation with the Embassy of Serbia in product development in the context of the 140th anniversary of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan.
During the morning show, Tijana Nagato from the Embassy spoke about the characteristics of this traditional dish that originates from the Leskovac area, known for growing peppers. She expressed satisfaction that the product was on the Japanese market for the first time and that it is now easily available to the Japanese public. She conveyed her gratitude to the company "Matsubara Foods" for choosing Serbian food for its product range.
Ambassador Kovač at Hisako Yoshikawa Christmas concert in Yokohama (December 24, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač was a special guest at the traditional Christmas concert by a famous flutist Hisako Yoshikawa, who performed well-known Christmas songs, traditional Japanese scores and melodies from around the world.
A great friend of Serbia, Ms. Yoshikawa has collaborated with our Embassy on numerous occasions and even recorded some famous Serbian songs, such as “Tamo daleko” and “Friendship”, which we were delighted to hear on this occasion as well.
Тokyo: Reception in honor of Ambassador Kovač organized by the Japan-Serbia Association (December 23, 2021) |
The Board of Directors of the Japan-Serbia Association, headed by its President Tadashi Nagai, former Ambassador of Japan to Serbia and honorary citizen of Belgrade, organized a welcome reception for Ambassador Kovač at the Embassy.
In their welcoming speeches, President Nagai and one of the directors of the Association and former Ambassador of Japan to Serbia Toshio Tsunozaki wished Ambassador Kovač great success in performing her duties, emphasizing special satisfaction with her long ties with Japan and knowledge of Japanese language and culture. They promised all the support and assistance of the Society in further promotion of Serbia and strengthening of cooperation between the two countries in all areas, and especially in the economic field. They stressed the importance of the upcoming jubilee of 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan and expressed the readiness of the Society to participate in activities during the celebration of the jubilee in 2022. The closing speech was given by Osamu Hirashita, the Vice President of the Association, who, among other things, confirmed his readiness for active engagement in advancing and deepening of cooperation between Japan and Serbia.
Amb. Kovač thanked the Association for the warm reception and welcome, emphasizing that the Embassy of Serbia remains the second home for its members. She expressed satisfaction that the number of members, thanks to the efforts of President Nagai and the Board of Directors, is growing, and that Serbia is now known about in smaller cities in Japan. She emphasized that we should not forget the contribution that sister cities, Japanese companies investing in Serbia and the inclusion of young people in promotional activities in Japan give to the friendship. She especially emphasized the importance of the upcoming jubilee and the excellent cooperation with the host cities of our sports teams during the Olympics in Tokyo.
Among the directors of the Steering Board are former Japanese Ambassador to Serbia Junichi Maruyama and former Japanese Ambassador to Uganda and Minister Counselor at the Japanese Embassy in Belgrade Kazuaki Kameda, who were also present at the reception.
Meeting with Reiko Kawakami regarding promotion of Serbian culture (December 23, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met Reiko Kawakami, writer and promoter of cultural events who informed about the plan to establish Central and Southeastern European Wine and Liquor Association.
Possibilities of Serbian cultural promotion were discussed as well as cooperation in organizing events to present cuisine and wines.
Ambassador Kovač at the exhibition of Japanese artist Shiryu Okabe (December 21, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač visited the exhibition of famous Japanese painter and designer Shiryu Okabe at the Bunshun Gallery in Kioicho, Tokyo who uses hand painting method derived from traditional Japanese yuzen dyeing techinque. His design has been used on many products such as folding fans, neckties, masks and wine labels.
In friendly talk with Mr. Okabe and his associates, Ambassador exchanged views on future cooperation in light of forthcoming 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan and invited them to visit the Embassy of Serbia. Makoto Invetsments company presented Serbian wines and paprika spread ajvar at the exhibition that lasts from December 20 to 24.
Marking of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Jovan Dučić, organized by the embassies of the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (December 17, 2021) |
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Serbian poet, diplomat and academician Jovan Dučić, the embassies of the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in Japan organized a solemn celebration of this important jubilee.
At the event held at the Serbian Embassy, the introductory remarks were given by Ambassador of Serbia Aleksandra Kovač and Ambassador of BiH Siniša Berjan, followed by on-line addresses by the Mayor of Dučić's hometown of Trebinje Mirko Ćurić, President of the National Commission of the Republic of Serbia for Cooperation with UNESCO prof. dr Goran Milašinović, Director of the Museum of Herzegovina Ivana Grujić, Professor at the Department of Serbian Language and Literature, University of Novi Sad prof. dr Gorana Raičević, as well as the President of Matica Srpska, dr Dragan Stanić, who spoke about the life and rich opus of Jovan Dučić.
During the evening, a short documentary was shown, as well as an exhibition about the famous poet.
The event was attended by former UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and UN Secretary General's Special Representative for the Former Yugoslavia Yasushi Akashi, representatives of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomats from countries where Dučić served, as well as representatives of Japanese universities, NGOs, political circles and private sector.
Ambassador Kovač met with Masakiro Sakurai, Mayor of Kashiwazaki (December 16, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač talked with Mr. Sakurai, Mayor of Kashiwazaki about continuation and deepening of cooperation, after Kashiwazaki successfully hosted Serbian waterpolo team during Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
Ambassador Kovač expressed Serbia’s gratitude for the excellent conditions and support that our team had in this city before and during the Olympics, which was best evidenced by the highest possible result that they achieved by winning the gold medal.
It was agreed that this medal, that both Serbia and Kashiwazaki are equally proud of, is just a beginning of a substantial and fruitful relationship. They discussed possible joint activities for the upcoming 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan in 2022, both in the fields of sports and culture, as well as economic cooperation.
Tokyo: Working lunch with the President of the Parliamentary League of Friendship of Serbia and Japan (December 15, 2021) |
At a working lunch hosted by the President of the Parliamentary League of Friendship of Serbia and Japan Ichiro Aisawa, Ambassador Kovač exchanged views with the host and Vice Presidents Matsubara and Oguchi, Secretary-General Kiuchi and Mr. Yoneda on further development of bilateral relations and the upcoming 140th anniversary of friendship between Serbia and Japan.
Osaka: Ambassador Kovač with prof. Shin-ichi Kanemaru from Kitano Hospital (December 14, 2021) |
During the meeting with Professor Shin-ichi Kanemaru from Kitano Hospital in Osaka, Ambassador Kovač praised the results of the groundbreaking treatment with cochlear implants on patients, including Serbian citizens.
Talks on cooperation in the field of medicine followed.
Osaka: Ambassador Kovač with Toyo Tire President Takashi Shimizu (December 14, 2021) |
During a visit to the tire manufacturing company Toyo Tires, Ambassador Kovač and the company president Takashi Shimizu reconfirmed the commitment of both sides to the further success of the Toyo Tires investment in Serbia and discussed possibilities for deepening cooperation.
Ambassador Kovač was gifted a traditional Japanese doll dressed in the colors of the Serbian flag.

Osaka: Ambassador Kovač with Ambassador Tsutomu Himeno of MOFA Liaison Office in Osaka (December 14, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Tsutomu Himeno, the newly appointed Аmbassador in charge of the Kansai region at the Liaison Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in Osaka. During the meeting, they discussed the recent dynamics of the bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan, as well as the possibilities for deepening the overall cooperation in the upcoming jubilee year, which marks 140 years of friendship between the two countries.

Osaka: Ambassador Kovač with Honorary Consul General Naohide Ueyama (December 14, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met in Osaka with Mr. Naohide Ueyama, Honorary Consul General of the Republic of Serbia for the regions of Kansai and Chugoku.
She thanked for the support of the Honorary Consulate General during her visit to the Kansai region, and they exchanged ideas on marking the upcoming 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan, including in the area of economy and culture.
Ambassador Kovač visited the exhibited Serbian Olympic jersey signed by Novak Djoković, which she presented to Honorary Consul in August this year.
Embassy participated at the annual charity event “Ikebana International Fair“ (December 14, 2021) |
Embassy of the Republic of Serbia participated at the charity event „Ikebana International Fair“ at „Royal Park Hotel“ in Tokyo.
This special year-end fundraising event under the auspicies of Princess Takamado featured ikebana exhibitions by different schools of ikebana, shoping booths sponsored by foreign Embassies and different Japanese organizations. Over 20 foreign embassies and 30 local exhibitors participated in the Fair, which was visited by Princess Takamado.
Embassy donated wine, vanilice cookies and ajvar for the International Table.
All the proceeds from the booths are going to be donated to the people in the areas affected by a natural disaster in Japan.
Ambassador Kovač met with Nidec President adviser Ryuichi Tanabe (December 13, 2021) |
On the ocassion of groundbreaking ceremony for new Nidec factory in Serbia, in a warm meeting of Ambassador Kovač with Nidec President adviser Ryuichi Tanabe, Serbian appeal and reliability for Japanese investors were confirmed as well as the readiness to jointly mark 140 years of bilateral friendship.

Ambassador Kovač met with Mr Dragoslav Tatalović, President of The Association of Serbian-Japanese Friendship “St Nikolaj Japanese” (December 12, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr Dragoslav Tatalović, President of The Association of Serbian-Japanese Friendship “St Nikolaj Japanese” in Kyoto, to discuss the Association’s current situation, and possibilites for cooperation regarding the 140 years of Serbian-Japanese friendship.
President Vučić attended the ceremony of laying the foundation stone for the construction of the electric motor factory of the Japanese group NIDEC Corporation (December 10, 2021) |
The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, attended the ceremony of laying the foundation stone for the construction of the electric motor factory of the Japanese group "NIDEC Corporation" and on that occasion pointed out that this project substantially changes Serbia's position and strengthens the economy.
President Vučić stated that the factory of the NIDEC Corporation group, as well as the tire factory of the Japanese company Toyo Tire in Inđija, will be completed in a year, and that the completion of these factories coincides with the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Japan. He pointed out that the arrival of the group "NIDEC Corporation" was a fantastic success for our country and that it was difficult to bring such an investor, and that such companies bring the best and most innovative technology.
"The arrival of NIDEC means that we have progressed and that we have shown responsible behavior towards their investment. Another incredible news for Novi Sad and Vojvodina, a huge success for our country ", said President Vučić and emphasized that all this speaks of how much we have managed to make progress in the last few years in concretizing the relations between Serbia and Japan, and added that today there were many more joint projects. He thanked the Japanese investor for the planned investments and for choosing Serbia, and wished them many successes and victories.
President and CEO of NIDEC Corporation Jun Seki announced the expansion of the company in Serbia and Europe, as well as large investments in our country, which will create a large number of jobs.
"We will invest a lot of money here. We want to contribute to the development of Serbia. We will continue to grow in the future and that is why we need a new location. We want to expand both in Serbia and on the European market, and that is why we are here ", emphasized the executive director of the Japanese corporation, Jun Seki.
Source: www.predsednik.rs
Photo: Tanjug / Nenad Mihajlović |
Ambassador Kovač's visit to the Japan Broadcasting Corporation NHK (December 10, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Мr. Terunobu Maeda, President of NHK, at the headquarters of the public broadcaster.
During the talks, mutual readiness was expressed for deepening and expanding all types of cooperation, especially in the context of promoting Serbia in Japan and the upcoming celebration of 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan in 2022.
Ambassador Kovač gave an overview of the history of bilateral relations, emphasizing the solidarity of the two peoples during the most difficult moments for both countries.
After the meeting, Ambassador Kovač had the opportunity to visit the studio and the newsroom of the international service NHK World, where she met the journalist of Serbian origin, Ms. Mina Honda.
Ambassador Kovač met with Chairperson of Japan-Serbia Parliamentary Friendship League Ichiro Aisawa (December 6, 2021) |
Meeting with Chairperson of Japan-Serbia Parliamentary Friendship League Ichiro Aisawa is always a good opportunity to strengthen political dialogue between Serbia and members of House of Representatives.
Ambassador Kovač met with journalist Yukihiko Kimura (December 6, 2021) |
In conversation with journalist Yukihiko Kimura, longtime expert on Yugoslavia and issue of Kosovo and Metohija, Ambassador Kovač exchanged opinions on the dire situation regarding Serbian people, their freedoms and heritage in Serbian south province.
Ambassador Kovač at the meeting with Karen Makishima, Minister for Digital Transformation of Japan (3 December) |
Ambassador Kovač joined female Ambassadors at the meeting with Karen Makishima, Minister for Digital Transformation of Japan hosted by the Embassy of Mexico. Minister Makishima presented Japan’s Digital Policy, followed by the exchange of national experiences in the digitalization process.
Ambassador Kovač shared the efforts and results of the Government of Serbia in advancing with digitalization as one of its national priorities in number of areas, such as health, public services, finances, business, education, environment etc. She also stressed that achieving digital literacy globally cannot be achieved without addressing the issue of adult literacy.
Meeting of female ambassadors from Europe with Secretary of State of the MOFA (3 December) |
At the invitation of Takako Suzuki, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, a meeting was organized for female ambassadors from Europe, with the aim of exchanging views on various topics, including promoting greater participation of women in political life. Ambassador Kovač used the opportunity to inform the participants about the upcoming celebration of 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan, as well as 40 years of sister cities Sabac and Fujimi. She expressed interest in strengthening ties with the host cities of our national team at the Tokyo Olympic Games, as well as other types of cooperation.
All the guests brought one traditional dessert for the meeting and Ambassador Kovač offered Serbian walnut meringue cookies.
Ambassador Kovač hosted her mentees of “J-Win Executive Network Mentoring Program” (December 3, 2021) |
As a mentor of “J-Win Executive Network Mentoring Program”, Ambassador Kovac hosted the first meeting in Serbian Embassy with mentees from Japanese corporate business - Miho Kawabata (KPMG) and Ryoko Shimokawa (SOMPO Holdings) and Sachiko Oonishi (NTT Communications).
Ambassador Kovač met with Sachi Shimada, who was involved in the restoration of frescoes in Đurđevi stupovi Monastery (December 3, 2021) |
Sachi Shimada, who was involved in the restoration of frescoes in Đurđevi stupovi Monastery, a component of World Heritage site in Serbia, exchanged opinions with Ambassador Kovač about the project which was funded by the Sumitomo Foundation and Kincho.
Ambassador Kovač visited ITOCHU and met with its President Keita Ishii (December 1, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač visited ITOCHU and met with its President Keita Ishii. In a fruitful meeting, strong messages of support were exchanged towards ongoing projects and the future ones. Waste management is one of the priorities on ITOCHU’s agenda in Serbia. By tackling challenges with energy-from-waste business approach under public-private partnership, an area in which ITOCHU has been taking major initiatives for a long time, ITOCHU is providing effective technologies and know-how from project development, design, construction and operation as well as efficient fund-raising and business operations. Ambassador Kovač and President Ishii agreed to promote Serbian business potential in the light of upcoming 140th anniversary of friendship between our two countries.
Ambassador Kovač met with the recepient of the Serbian Embassy Award for Naïve Art (December 1, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Ms. Yurino Sakazaki, recipient of this year’s Serbian Embassy Award for naïve art and with Mr. Osamu Komatsu, President of Japan Modern Naïve Art Society. Ambassador Kovač congratulated the artist, whose painting “Futaomote” (“Both Sides”) will be exhibited at the Embassy for one year. With Mr. Komatsu, Ambassador Kovač talked about further intensifying cooperation and promotion of two countries’ respective naïve art, specifically in the light of upcoming 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan in 2022.

Ambassador Kovač gave a keynote speech “Serbia in UNESCO” (November 30, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač gave a keynote speech “Serbia in UNESCO” at the event organized by Chiyoda UNESCO Association on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of Japan’s UNESCO membership. She presented Serbian properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, as well as the elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Special attention was drawn to endangered Serbian cultural heritage and world heritage sites in Kosovo and Metohija.
The event was held at the Parliament Building, in the presence of the Government officials, several members of the Parliament, representatives of the local UNESCO associations, members of the academia and NGOs.
Among others, video messages by Professor Goran Milašinović, President of Serbian National Commission for UNESCO, as well as by young people from Serbia, were played at the event. Eijin Nimura, UNESCO Artist for Peace, held a short violin concert.
Ambassador Kovač met with the representatives of the Saga Prefectural Government, Karatsu City and Japan and Southeast Europe Business Association (November 26, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač talked with the representatives of the Saga Prefectural Government (Takeo Matsuo, General Manager of the Saga Sports Comission and Azusa Hanah Tobimatsu, Section Chief of the Saga Sports Comission), Karatsu City (Hideki Koga, Chief of the Sports Promotion Division and Genki Yamashita, Staff of the Sports Promotion Division) and Japan and Southeast Europe Business Association – JSEEBA (Kihachiro Nishiura, President & Representative Director of JSEEBA and Masahiro Sakamoto, Director of JSEEBA) about continuation and strengthening of cooperation, after Karatsu City successfully hosted Serbian Men's 3x3 Team during Tokyo 2020 Olympics. They discussed possible activities for the upcoming 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan in 2022, both in the fields of sport and culture, as well as economic cooperation.
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Shuji Kogi, Secretary General of EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee (November 25, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač talked with Shuji Kogi, Secretary General of EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee and exchanged ideas about possible activities for the upcoming 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan in 2022. They also talked about Japan-related projects during marking of the title-year of European Capital of Culture Novi Sad 2022.
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Mitsuru Saito, President&CEO of Nippon Express Co. Ltd. (November 22, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač talked with Mr. Mitsuru Saito, CEO of Nippon Express Co. Ltd. who explained the reason behind the opening of their branch in Serbia in October, saying that "Japanese companies are becoming more interested in Serbia, which has been growing rapidly".

Ambassador Kovač met with Ms. Noriko Adachi, director of T&N planning (November 19, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač talked with Noriko Adachi, director of T&N planning who has supported cultural promotion of Serbia. They exchanged concrete ideas for cooperation on the 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan in 2022.
Ambassador Kovač visited Mayekawa and met with Shin Maekawa, president of the company (November 16, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač visited Mayekawa company that successfully operates in Smederevo, Serbia since 2018. During the meeting with its president Shin Maekawa held in a warm atmosphere, they agreed that expanding business next year in Serbia would be important for bilateral relations and 140th anniversary of the friendly relations between Serbia and Japan.

Japan Modern Art Society awarded Ms. Yurino Sakazaki with the Award of the Embassy of Serbia for her painting “Futaomote” (November 15, 2021) |
At a ceremony on November 14 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan Modern Art Society awarded Ms. Yurino Sakazaki from Aichi Prefecture with the Award of the Embassy of Serbia for her painting “Futaomote” (translation: “Both Sides”). The tradition of choosing recipients every year for the Award of the Embassy of Serbia among other awards of different art institutions started in 2009. Unfortunately due to the COVID 19 situation the ceremony was held only for members of the Association. Ms. Sakazaki’s Art work will be displayed at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia for one year.
Exhibition of all art works from the Japan Modern Naïve Art Society will last from November 10 to 16, 2021 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
Ambassador Kovač met with Ms. Kieko Oku, Managing Director of Japan-Montenegro Friendship Association and Mr. Yoshihiro Akiyama&Ms. Yoshie Fujimori from Japan International Consultants For Transportation Co. Ltd. (November 15, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Ms. Kieko Oku, Managing Director of Japan-Montenegro Friendship Association and Mr. Yoshihiro Akiyama&Ms. Yoshie Fujimori from Japan International Consultants For Transportation Co. Ltd. and discussed on the interests of Japanese companies in the transportation industry of Serbia which shows rapid growth in economy.
UNESCO’s role extremely important for preservation of Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija (November 12, 2021) |
UNESCO’s role extremely important for preservation of Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today that severe examples of endangering the Serbian cultural, historical and spiritual heritage in Kosovo and Metohija are proof of the important role of UNESCO in protecting and preserving heritage.
At the 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, Brnabic emphasized that four jewels of the Serbian medieval cultural heritage in Kosovo – Visoki Decani, Pec Patriarchate, Gracanica and Bogorodica Ljeviska, have been preserved thanks to the fact that they are inscribed on the endangered world heritage list. Hundreds of other sites and monuments are endangered.
The Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija is of immeasurable importance, not only for the national identity of Serbia, but also as a part of the esteemed European and world heritage, she underlined.
Ambassador Kovač met with Ms. Rika Fukuda, Ms. Motoko Koizumi and Ms. Etsuko Tsunozaki (November 12, 2021) |
Ms. Rika Fukuda and Ms. Motoko Koizumi, pianists and representatives of the World Piano Teachers Association Japan – WPTA Japan and Ms. Etsuko Tsunozaki, representative of the Association for the promotion of music exchange between Japan and Serbia met with Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač at the Embassy to share suggestions and ideas for strengthening the cooperation in the field of culture.
Our Tijana gave a lecture on the history and culture of Serbia (November 10, 2021) |
Our Tijana was invited by Professor Koichi Toyokawa from Meiji University to give a lecture on the history and culture of Serbia to first-year students. After the lecture, questions were asked about the cultural heritage and Orthodox monasteries that we are proud of.

Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Toshio Maki, president of the International Friendship Association of Fujimi City (November 9, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Toshio Maki, president of the International Friendship Association of Fujimi City, which is a sister-city of our Šabac since 1982. Ambassador expressed her gratitude for his contribution to the development of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan including the fact that Fujimi City was the host town to our Olympians at the Tokyo2020. They also discussed the joint celebration of 40 years of Fujimi’s sister-city relationship with Šabac and 140 years of friendship between our two countries and peoples.
The agreement between Serbia and Japan on the elimination of double taxation has entered into force (November 5, 2021) |
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, met today with Japanese Ambassador Takahiko Katsumata, with whom he exchanged notes on the entry into force of the Agreement between the Government of Serbia and Japan on the elimination of double taxation in relation to income taxes and prevention of tax evasion.
Minister Selaković stated that today, by exchanging notes on the entry into force of the Agreement on the Elimination of Double Taxation, an extremely important step was made in terms of further improvement of economic and investment cooperation, but also overall ties with friendly Japan.
"The signing and entry into force of this important bilateral agreement is in line with the current upward trend in economic cooperation between our two countries and with the growing interest of Japanese business circles for the presence in our market, new and significant contacts and the launching of large investment projects by renowned Japanese companies such as, among others, Yazaki, Toyo Tires and Nidek", said Selaković.
The head of Serbian diplomacy emphasized that Japanese companies and investors, known for their diligence, dedication and high professionalism, are welcome in Serbia and that we are here to provide them with all the necessary assistance in new business ventures.
Selaković said that today's ceremony has additional significance and symbolism, because it precedes the celebration of the 140th anniversary of friendship between our two countries next year, adding that we in Serbia attach great importance to that jubilee, proud of the fact that Japan and Serbia have a very long tradition of mutual friendship, which a very small number of countries in the world can boast with.
"We believe that this important jubilee represents an excellent starting point for further comprehensive improvement of bilateral relations and strengthening of political dialogue, primarily through visits at the highest level, including visits by members of the Japanese royal family to Serbia, which we are very interested in", said the minister of foreign affairs.
Selaković expressed hope that in the coming period, with joint efforts, we will have many more significant high-level visits and even more intensive cooperation in all areas with a political dialogue characterized by understanding, solidarity and mutual respect, and that Serbia will be sincerely committed to that in the future as well.
He pointed out that Serbs and Japanese, regardless of geographical distance, nurture great mutual respect, sympathy and interest in learning about cultural and historical heritage and tradition, and that these are special ties that bring our two peoples closer and pave the way for strengthening overall cooperation.
"The Serbian and Japanese people were next to each other even in difficult moments. I take this opportunity to express my great gratitude for the exceptional solidarity and assistance that Japan has provided to the citizens of Serbia in the past two decades. The Serbian people will not forget that", Selaković concluded.

Ambassador Kovač visited Y-CITY of Yazaki and met with President Shinji Yazaki (November 5, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač visited Y-CITY of Yazaki that expanded business to Serbia and learned about the company’s philosophy and latest achievements. In warm atmosphere President Shinji Yazaki and Ambassador Kovač exchanged opinions on further cooperation between the company and Serbia.

Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Yuya Miyagi, first youth JICA volunteer in Serbia (November 4, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Yuya Miyagi, first youth JICA volunteer in Serbia who was teaching sports to children and persons with disabilities. Last month Mr. Miyagi talked with His Majesty in the presence of JICA President Mr. Kitaoka at the Imperial Palace. Ambassador expressed gratitude to the young promoter of Serbia and best wishes for his future success.

Full text of the speech by the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) (November 2, 2021) |
2nd November 2021
Address of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, at the United Nations climate change conference COP26 held in Glasgow
"Your Excellences,
distinguished delegates,
dear Sarah,
At the very beginning, I feel obliged to thank Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Her Majesty’s Government for exceptional hospitality.
I feel privileged to represent the Republic of Serbia at this important place and at the highest-level world forum, in working on the most important topic of today – promoting climate awareness.
We all agree that we must make investment into climate and environment.
We all, likewise agree, that future generations must be educated in order not to repeat the mistakes we made, by hurting the only Planet that makes life possible.
I am very honoured that the Republic of Serbia is co-chairing this year’s Conference as a Non-EU representative of the Eastern Europe Group.
In concrete terms, we see the special contribution of our expert team in finalising negotiations on the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which refers to the establishment of the global market and non-market mechanisms for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to remaining provisions referring to advanced transparency framework and common timeframes for Nationally Determined Contributions, which are the key provisions of the Agreement that have not yet been covered by the decision that is to be adopted by the Conference, i.e. all member states.
We, therefore, believe that this is an exceptional opportunity for Serbia to give its full contribution to the finalization of negotiations, which, we hope, will secure full implementation of the Paris Agreement.
As a result of strong economic development, modelled for Serbia by 2050, the impact of the implementation of climate measures to employment will be optimal, through new jobs creation and creation of new industries which have not existed so far.
One billion euros was raised at the first green bonds auction in Serbia, which clearly confirms the trust of international investors in our green agenda, but also to the economic and political stability of our country.
Incomes from green bonds issuance will be used for financing renewables, energy efficiency, sustainable water management, prevention of pollution and circular economy development and biodiversity preservation.
And as you can see, dear friends, my people made a terrific speech for me, but I am going to add a few more words and a few more questions for those that are coming from big powers and that haven’t answered yet several questions:
Number one is: how are we going to finance all these activities?
We’ve heard the story of trillions of dollars that are at our disposal. My question would be: what would be the interest rate, what would be the terms for taking these amounts of money, and actually how are we going to tackle that issue?
Number two: how are we going to treat the nuclear power plants? Are we going to shut them all or are we going to build them more?
Then, how are we going to build more renewables if we already started endorsing populist movements against wind parks, new hydropower plants, and are we going to put in jeopardy the level of our public debt to GDP ratio if we raise huge amounts of money?
How are we going to treat natural gas, and how are we going to secure decent prices of natural gas and electricity power as well?
And, I came here using an electric car from Edinburgh to Glasgow. But, how are we going to do mining and refining of lithium, nickel, cobalt and many other very important minerals?
In the end, we all know what is our final aim, what is our final target. But, it’s not a fairytale – we’ll have to work a lot, we’ll have to be 100 per cent dedicated, and we’ll have to be more honest with each other.
The health of people living in Serbia depends directly on the implementation of this Agenda, just like the health and life of each living being on Earth depends on arrangements that will be reached here and on national implementation of the respective arrangements.
Perhaps it is the right time to listen and hear the cry of Mother Earth because if we lose this race against time, our children will inherit an irreparably polluted Planet.
Thank you very much for listening to me."
Ambassador Kovač paid a courtesy call on Mr. Yoshio Okubo, President of Nippon Television Network and Chairman of the National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan (November 2, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač paid a courtesy call on Mr. Yoshio Okubo, President of Nippon Television Network and Chairman of the National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan. In the very warm talks, she expressed gratitude for understanding Serbia and for presenting Serbia in their programs such as "Another Sky" and "Itte Q". The possibility of cooperation in the upcoming 140th anniversary of friendship between two countries was also discussed.
Serbia's Government decided to declare June 11 the Day of Gender Equality (October 29, 2021) |
Serbia's Government decided to declare June 11 the Day of Gender Equality, Zorana Mihajlovic, a minister and the head of the Coordination Body for Gender Equality, said on Wednesday.
We chose June 11, the day when the education of women in Serbia was approved in 1842. Prince Mihailo’s decree allowed Natalija Petrovic and Sofia and Katarina Lekic to open a school for girls. With the right to vote, the education of girls and women is a sure path to a better and a high-quality life.
Mihajlovic added that the establishment of the Day of Gender Equality would raise awareness of its importance as a precondition for the progress of the entire society and one of the fundamental values of a democratic state.
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Giichi Ayame, President of Sanyu Co. and Mr. Tadashi Nagai, Chairman of Japan Serbia Association (October 28, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Giichi Ayame, President of Sanyu Co. and Mr. Tadashi Nagai, Chairman of Japan Serbia Association. With a view of upcoming anniversary of 140 years of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan, connections with city of Hofu, host town of the Serbian Women's Volleyball Team for the Tokyo 2020, were reaffirmed and further cooperation was discussed.
Japanese transportation and logistics giant “Nippon Express” has opened a branch in Serbia (October 28, 2021) |
Japanese transportation and logistics giant “Nippon Express” has opened a branch in Serbia
Retrieved from the company's website:
The first Japanese logistics company in Serbia
Our local branch in Germany, “Nippon Express Germany Co., Ltd.” (Director: Manabu Asai, hereinafter “Nippon Express Germany”) opened a branch in Belgrade in the Republic of Serbia, which started operating on October 11 (Monday).
Due to its dominant position as a production base, In Serbia, which is located in the center of Europe, there is an increasing number of foreign companies in the mobility industry engaged in the production of electrical equipment, automotive parts and electric vehicles (EV). In recent years the rate of economic growth in Serbia is at the level of 2-4%, and high economic growth is expected in the future.
By opening its base in Serbia for the first time as a Japanese logistics company, “Nippon Express Germany” will strengthen its services to both Serbian and Balkan companies in the mobility industry, as well as to various companies operating in Central and Eastern Europe.
By opening a branch in Belgrade, we will expand our logistics services in Central and Eastern Europe, and we will continue to respond to the growing logistics needs around the world.
*Photo from the company's website |
Bilateral political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of Serbia and Japan |
Bilateral political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of Serbia and Japan at the level of assistant ministers were held today in video format.
In a friendly and open conversation, opinions were exchanged on cooperation between Serbia and Japan in a large number of areas of bilateral cooperation. It was assessed that the relations between the two countries are substantive, multi-layered and constantly rising, and the readiness for further strengthening of mutual dialogue, exchange of visits at all levels and further intensive connection of the two countries' economies was confirmed, with an increasingly significant presence of renowned Japanese companies in our market.
Ahead of the 140th anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan in 2022, when the date of the first diplomatic correspondence between Serbian King Milan Obrenović and Japanese Emperor Meiji is marked, it was assessed that this important jubilee is an excellent starting point for further comprehensive improvement of our relations. In this regard, opinions were exchanged on upcoming visits and various activities and projects that include economic projects and various activities in the field of culture and art.
The Serbian delegation was led by the acting Assistant Minister for Bilateral Cooperation, Ambassador Vladimir Marić, and the Japanese delegation by Deputy Director General for Europe and Ambassador for the Western Balkans Kunihiko Kawazu.
Ambassador Kovač participated in the third "Visionary Network" Conference of Women's Governors and Mayors (October 23, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač participated in the third "Visionary Network" Conference of Women's Governors and Mayors as a panelist at the session "Necessity to increase women's participation in the decision-making process". In conversation with Tokyo’s Governor Yuriko Koike, some of excellent experiences and creative ideas on women's entrepreneurship were exchanged, such as the Japanese initiative "Vision Net Online Marche".

Ambassador Kovač paid a courtesy visit to Yasutake Tango, Chairman of the Board and Mutsuo Iwai, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Japan Tobacco Inc. (October 22, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač paid a courtesy visit to Yasutake Tango, Chairman of the Board and Mutsuo Iwai, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Japan Tobacco Inc, fist Japanese company that made direct investment in Serbia in 2006. Ambassador expressed her appreciation for contribution to the Serbian economy and society and confirmed the importance of investing in Serbia which is the base for regional exports for JT.
Ambassador Kovač attended J-Win’s Kick-off ceremony of the J-Win Executive Network Mentoring Program (October 21, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač addressed the audience at the J-Win’s Kick-off ceremony of the J-Win Executive Network Mentoring Program by female ambassadors to Japan, alongside with ambassadors of Belgium, Bulgaria, UK, Jamaica, Jordan, Latvia, Lesotho, Mexico, Norway, Samoa, Slovenia and the EU and met three exquisite Japanese ladies mentees Kawabata-san (KPMG), Shimokawa-san (SOMPO Holdings) and Oonishi-san (NTT Communications).
Courteous meeting with Yutaka Ikeda, Mayor of Hofu and Tadashi Nagai, President of Japan-Serbia Association (October 21, 2021) |
At the meeting with Yutaka Ikeda, mayor of Hofu, Yamaguchi Prefecture, host town of our women volleyball team at the Olympic and Paralympic games 2020 and Mr. Tadashi Nagai, President of Japan - Serbia Association, Ambassador Kovač expressed her thanks for their continuous effort and support in enhancing friendly relations and exchange views ahead of 140 years of friendly relations between Serbia and Japan.

Ambassador Kovač paid a courtesy call to Masaaki Takei, Mayor of Minato City (October 20, 2021) |
In a courteous meeting with Masaaki Takei, Mayor of Minato City, Ambassador Kovač exchanged opinions on the possibilities of cooperation, having in mind the Embassy as a newcomer to the city and in light of the upcoming celebration of 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan.
Ambassador Kovač met wth Professor Emeritus of Keio University Darko Radović (October 19, 2021) |
Great pleasure to meet again with our Professor Emeritus of Keio University Darko Radovic, founder of “co+labo radović”.
Ambassador Kovač met with the delegation from the City of Fujimi led by Mayor Mitsuhiro Hoshino (October 18, 2021) |
At the meeting with the delegation from the City of Fujimi led by Mayor Mitsuhiro Hoshino, Ambassador Kovač exchanged views regarding projects in light of 50th anniversary of Fujimi, 40th anniversary of sister-city ties between Šabac and Fujimi and 140th anniversary of friendship between Serbia and Japan.

Foreign Minister’s Nikola Selakovic Address to the SC UN Session on UNMIK Activity Report in Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija |

15th October 2021
Selaković in UNSC: Dialogue and the implementation of the agreements reached are the only right way to resolve all open issues
Distinguished President of the Security Council,
Esteemed members of the Security Council,
Distinguished Special Representative,
I would like to thank Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. Guterres and Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK Mr. Tanin for the report submitted and for their efforts made towards the implementation of the UNMIK mandate. I would also like to thank the members of the Security Council for the continued attention they have devoted to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. The Republic of Serbia highly values the activities of the Mission of the United Nations in Kosovo and Metohija and supports it in carrying out its work as efficiently as possible, pursuant to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and undiminished in scope, aiming to build and preserve lasting peace, stability and security in the Province.
Mr. Tanin,
Please accept the expressions of our gratitude for your engagement and the cooperation we achieved during your term of office.
Mr. President,
Deep regret and concerns are raised by the fact that the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija in the past period has been marked by an increasing number of various ethnically motivated attacks and incidents targeting Serbs, which was also stated in the Report; that the provisional institutions of self-government (PISG) in Pristina continue to take unilateral steps and refuse to implement the agreements reached in the Brussels dialogue; and that institutional discrimination against Serbs, attacks on the sites of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the undermining of the economic sustainability of Serb communities in the Province have continued.
We are witnessing that dangerous provocations by Pristina are taking place every day, at an accelerated pace, thus seriously threatening the safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and directly violating the agreements and arrangements reached within the Brussels dialogue.
The latest violent incursion of the so-called ROSU units into the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, on 13 October, is the ninth incursion of its kind. Tear gas, shock bombs and unbridled violence are becoming a matter of everyday life for Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and that must be stopped immediately.
In the last attack with firearms and chemicals used by Pristina special forces, 71-year-old Verica Djelic died as a result of chemicals used in the intervention, 10 unarmed civilians were wounded, one of them 36 years old Srećko Sofronijević was critically wounded in the back with of an automatic rifle. A three-month-old baby, who miraculously remained unharmed, was also the target of the shooting.
The false excuse for the latest unilateral action, as EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell called it, was the fight against organized crime and smuggling. Ladies and gentlemen, Serbia is strongly against organized crime and smuggling, but the members of the UNSC should know that such an important and general global goal, which we all share, was cynically used for an armed attack on unarmed civilians, which began with an automatic rifle raid of pharmacies in which patients of Serbian and other nationalities are supplied with vitally important medicines. Four days before the local elections in Kosovo and Metohija, in order to gain votes in an irresponsible and inhumane way, fully motivated by separatist goals, the current PISG regime used medicines on which people’s lives depend to prove its position on the status contrary to UNSCR 1244.
Only a few days earlier, another provocation on the part of Pristina led to a dangerous crisis, when personnel of the so-called ROSU unit, armed with long firearms and reinforced with armoured vehicles, were deployed to administrative crossings between central Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija - Brnjak and Jarinje – in order to remove Serbian license plates and replace them with temporary ones, thus violently preventing the free movement of citizens.
These events do not fall within the reporting period covered by the latest Report of the UN Secretary General on the work of UNMIK, but it is incumbent upon us to address them on this occasion, in order to have everyone understand how dramatic the situation on the ground has been and how serious the consequences of Pristina's unilateral actions can be.
The incursions of heavily armed Pristina police formations, composed exclusively of Albanians, into the north of Kosovo and Metohija, under various pretexts and motives, with the use of excessive force, are provocations that have an extremely dangerous potential to destabilize the already sensitive security situation on the ground. The goal of the latest incursions of Pristina’s special force personnel into the north of the province was to provoke the Serbs and additionally intimidate them with a demonstration of force, as well as to provoke Belgrade to react hastily in some way.
It is obvious that with such moves Pristina aims to erase the 10 years of dialogue, which is the only way to resolve open issues. These provocations once again demonstrate that the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina, not only do not intend to implement everything agreed in the Brussels dialogue, but that their goal is to completely deny dialogue as a means of resolving problems. An effective response to Pristina's lack of credibility and their dangerous play with fire, which could have unforeseeable consequences, cannot be provided by calling on "both sides" for constructiveness and restraint, which has long been a manner in public communication of some important factors in the international community. There is only one source of destabilization, it has a name – and that is the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina - and after the events of 13 October, it is clear that it can and needs to be stopped by urgent and decisive action of the international community. It is now quite obvious that these are no longer sporadic and isolated provocations by Pristina, but that this is an organized campaign of ethnically motivated violence and discrimination against Serbs.
We also express our concern over the latest imposition of tariffs by Pristina on certain products originating from central Serbia, which was made public on 8 October. We remind you that the unilateral decision of Pristina to impose duties on products from central Serbia in November 2018 resulted in a de facto complete trade blockade and a long-term stalemate in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. In contrast to Pristina, which persistently seeks to raise barriers towards central Serbia through unilateral acts, Belgrade is persistently and consistently working to liberalize the flow of people, goods, services and capital, which is the basic goal of our "Open Balkan" initiative. North Macedonia and Albania joined this initiative, but Pristina did not.
Distinguished members of the Security Council,
In the period from March to September this year, which is covered in the latest Report, close to 100 ethnically motivated attacks were carried out against Serbs, their private property, religious and cultural heritage sites. The increase in the frequency of attacks was accompanied by the strengthening of the intensity of ethnically motivated violence, which more and more often targets children, the elderly, women, the few returnees present there, as well as churches and other property of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
This systematically intensifies the ubiquitous sense of insecurity of the remaining Serbs, but also deters potential returnees, who are in fact being told that local Albanian communities can attack them with impunity and prevent them from returning to live in their own homes.
The most striking example of the position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is the case of the displaced person Dragica Gašić, who moved into her apartment in the municipality of Djakovica again in early June. In that town – to which local Albanians proudly refer as a place forbidden to Serbs - Ms. Gašić, on her return, first faced physical and verbal attacks by citizens of Albanian nationality living there. Instead of being provided protection, that seriously ill woman then became a victim of institutional persecution as well, that the local self-government bodies and the police unleashed against her. Since this is a person who is the first and only Serb returnee to Đakovica after more than twenty years, it was to be expected that, at that moment, at least civil society organizations would attempt to protect her rights. However, NGOs from Djakovica soon joined the activities aimed at the expulsion Ms. Gašić, including those receiving funding from international donors for projects related to strengthening democracy and the rule of law.
I must also mention the latest attack on the house of the only remaining Serbian woman in the center of Pec, retired teacher Rumena Ljubić, whose windows were stoned twice in just 24 hours on 13 October.
Dragica's and Rumena’s fate is a frightening reflection of the real situation of human rights that almost every one of over 200,000 displaced Serbs and non-Albanians would face in Kosovo and Metohija - provided that they gather the courage to return to their homes in the Province after more than twenty years. I would like to remind you again that since 1999, only around 1.9% of internally displaced Serbs and other non-Albanians have achieved a sustainable return to Kosovo and Metohija.
Therefore, I believe that the aforementioned will encourage the members of the Security Council and the international presence on the ground to devote priority attention in the future
to the issue of the return of displaced persons, which is an important part of the UNMIK mandate under UN Security Council Resolution 1244.
I therefore thank the Secretary-General in particular for keeping this extremely important issue in focus and for calling again, in the conclusions of his Report, for the creation of conditions for the sustainable return of internally displaced persons and the sustainable reintegration of returnees.
Distinguished members of the Security Council,
Serbian medieval monuments in Kosovo and Metohija, including monuments that, due to their exceptional value but also constantly being subject to threats are inscribed on the UNESCO List of World Heritage in Danger, are still among the most endangered cultural heritage in Europe.
I wish to recall that there are over 1,300 Serbian churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija. Attacks on Serbian cultural and religious heritage are at the same time attacks on the identity of Serbs in the Province and directly affect their sense of safety.
A striking example of disrespect for Serbian cultural and religious monuments in the Province is the case of the Visoki Decani monastery. The monastery, which has been the target of attacks and shelling several times since 2000, is still secured by KFOR forces due to being under a threat. It is faced with a series of hostile actions, and the perpetrators are not deterred by the fact that this is a World Heritage Site. Despite frequent declaratory statements, even the decision of the so-called "constitutional court" of the PISG in Pristina five years ago confirming ownership of Visoki Decani Monastery over 24 hectares, is not respected. We welcome the assessment made by the UN Secretary General in his Report.
Dear Mr. President,
The Republic of Serbia remains committed to finding a compromise political solution, as prescribed under Resolution 1244, which will ensure lasting peace and stability. We firmly believe that dialogue and the implementation of the agreements reached are the only right way to resolve all open issues.
As a state committed to the respect for international law and a member of the United Nations, Serbia opposes any attempt at establishing an artificial balance between the parties in the dialogue, as well as the relativization of responsibility for unilateral acts.
We note with concern that not even eight years after reaching the Brussels Agreement, the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities has not been initiated, although Belgrade has fulfilled all its obligations under that agreement.
There are also numerous and repeated examples of Pristina violating or obstructing agreements reached in dialogue, in the areas of energy, justice, freedom of movement and visits by officials.
One such example is the verdict sentencing Ivan Todosijevic to two years in prison, which is also pointed out in the Secretary General's Report. The Brussels Agreement was directly breached, which was also stated by the representatives of the European Union. With its conduct Pristina caused immeasurable damage to the reconciliation process in Kosovo and Metohija.
Despite the interpretation from the European Commission that this is a violation of the Brussels Agreement, because Todosijevic had to be sentenced by a panel consisting of the majority of judges of Serbian ethnicity, Pristina still does not take any action in this regard.
Pristina also continued with the practice of banning Serbian officials from entering the territory of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija.
We believe that it is important that the international community, and especially the European Union, as the guarantor of the agreement, firmly insists that the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina start implementing all the agreements reached.
Distinguished members of the Security Council,
As before, the Republic of Serbia remains fully committed to resolving the issue of missing persons, as also demonstrated through full cooperation with relevant international mechanisms as well as participation in the work of the Working Group on Missing Persons. We expect that the representatives of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina will fulfill their obligations.
Bearing in mind everything I delivered here today in my address, we hold the position that the international presence in Kosovo and Metohija, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1244, is still necessary. In addition to UNMIK, the presence of KFOR as the main guarantor of security and EULEX, due to its engagement in the field of the rule of law, is also important. I would like to emphasize once again that Serbia fully supports respect for international law, comprehensive implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and activities of UNMIK in an undiminished scope and with adequate financial resources, so that the Mission fulfills the mandate entrusted to it under the Resolution.
Thank you. |
Ambassador Kovač met wth President Shinichi Kitaoka of JICA (October 14, 2021) |
Sharing positive experiences and great initiatives owing to JICA support in Belgrade and Tokyo, in the meeting with JICA President Shinichi Kitaoka.
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Yoshio Sato, Chair, Committee on Europe of Keidanren (October 13, 2021) |
Very fruitful meeting and exchange with Keidanren and Commission of Europe Chair Mr. Yoshio Sato.
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač paid a courtesy call to Madam Akiko Santo, President of the House of Councillors (12 October 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač paid a courtesy call to Madam Akiko Santo, President of the House of Councillors to reaffirm Parliamentary bilateral cooperation and strengthen overall relations, in political, economic, digital, cultural, sport and scientific areas, in light of forthcoming 140 years anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan. Serbian exported vine to Japan was presented on this high occasion.

Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Ippei Narahara, Managing Director of Matsubara Foods (October 12, 2021) |
During the meeting with Mr. Ippei Narahara, Managing Director of Matsubara Foods, Ambassador Kovač expressed her support for the project of Serbian ready-made food ahead of 140 years anniversary of friendship relations with Japan.
Ambassador Kovač met with Governor of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Mr. Tadashi Maeda (October 11, 2021) |
With JBIC Governer Maeda, ambassador Kovač reaffirmed cooperation interests and investment opportunities based on economic transformation and new technologies. Governor Maeda was presented with Serbian vine exported to Japan.
Ambassador Kovač met with Chairman and CEO to JETRO, Japan External Trade Organization, Mr. Nobuhiko Sasaki (October 8, 2021) |
At the meeting in JETRO Headquarters, Ambassador Kovač exchanged the views with Chairman and CEO, Mr. Nobuhiko Sasaki on further promotion of Japanese investments in Serbia in light of forthcoming 140 years anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan.

Ambassador Kovač met with the founder&chairperson of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, Mr. Tetsunari Iida (October 7, 2021) |
Ahead of COP26, Ambassador Kovač exchanged opinions on perspectives of renewable energy with the founder&chairperson of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, Mr. Tetsunari Iida.
Ambassador Kovač met with the esteemed flute player, Ms. Hisako Yoshikawa (October 6, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač expressed our appreciation for the continuation of cooperation with the esteemed flute player, Ms. Hisako Yoshikawa.

Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Shinji Yazaki, CEO of Yazaki Corporation |
Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Shinji Yazaki, CEO of Yazaki Corporation, with whom she talked about further economic cooperation in Serbia where they already invested, especially in the contexts of global challenges and upcoming 140 years anniversary of the friendship between Serbia and Japan.

Ambassador Kovač met with Mr. Ranko Popović |
Ambassador Kovač was invited by Mr. Ranko Popović, Serbian football manager who currently manages FC Machida Zelvia, to their match against Jubilo Iwata. In this heartwarming meeting, a possibility of cooperation for the upcoming 140 years anniversary of bilateral relationship between Serbia and Japan was considered.
Courtesy Call to Democratic Party for People (September 29, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač paid a courtesy call to Mr. Yuichiro Tamaki, leader and Mr. Kohei Otsuka, co-leader of the Democratic Party for the People and discussed strengthening the broad political dialogue and cooperation in economic field between two countries.
Ambassador Kovač met with H. E. Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki, former Ambassador of Japan to Serbia and Madam Etsuko Tsunozaki, President of the Association for Promotion of Music Exchange between Japan and Serbia(September 28, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač met with HE. Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki, former Ambassador of Japan to Serbia and Madam Etsuko Tsunozaki, President of the Association for Promotion of Music Exchange between Japan and Serbia.
Meeting with the representatives of Makoto Investments Co(September 27, 2021) |
Ambassador Kovač had a very fruitful discussion with the representatives of Makoto Investments Company with regard to enhancing the cooperation in promoting Serbian products to the Japanese market, especially with regard to Serbian wines and paprika spread "Ajvar".
Telephone conversation of President Vučić and General Secretary of NATO(26 September 2021) |
The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, has discussed today by phone with the General Secretary of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg about, as the General Secretary said, worrisome situation in northern Kosovo and Metohija.
Selaković in New York with 28 foreign ministers on economic successes of Serbia and K&M situation(25 September 2021) |
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, has stated that in New York he introduced foreign ministers of 28 countries to economic success of Serbia but also to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, which he also discussed with the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, who told him that we could count on the support of the Russian Federation, with regards to Serbian interests in K&M.

Pristina seriously jeopardised regional stability(25 September 2021) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic warned today that Pristina has seriously jeopardised local and regional stability after sending heavily armed special units to the north of Kosovo who are exerting ` against the peaceful Serbian population.
Ambassador Kovač meets with Mr. Yasushi Akashi(September 24, 2021) |
In today's cordial meeting Ambassador Kovač exchanged views on the conflict on the territory of the former Yugoslavia with Mr. Yasushi Akashi,former UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator and former UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Cambodia and the Former Yugoslavia. Current security situation in Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific region was also discussed.
Prime Minister Brnabic at Global COVID-19 summit organised by White House(22 September 2021) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic participated today at the Global COVID-19 summit, organised by the White House, which was opened by US President Joseph Biden.
Ambassador Kovač meets with Dr. Nobuhiro Kume, CEO of Daisan Kikaku (September 21, 2021) |
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač met with Dr. Nobuhiro Kume, CEO of Daisan Kikaku (RBA International)who has been supporting Serbia for more than 20 years and discussed further collaboration in humanitarian, cultural and other areas.
Ambassador Kovač meets with Nidec Managing Executive Officer Mr. Izumida (September 7, 2021) |
Ambassador Alexandra Kovač met with Mr. Kintaro Izumida, Managing Executive Officer and Chief Performance Manager of Nidec Corporation at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia on September 7.
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač has been accredited today by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic for Serbia to Japan(31 August 2021) |
The Ceremony of presenting the Letters of Credentials to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan accrediting Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia to Japan was held on August 31st. Final Ambassador’s preparations with Master of Ceremonies Yoshimi Inouchi.
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač paid a courtesy call to Secretary General of the Japan-Serbia Parliamentary league of Friendship Mr. Minoru Kiuchi (27 August 2021) |
Ambassador of Serbia to Japan, H.E. Ms. Aleksandra Kovač paid a courtesy call to Secretary General of the Japan-Serbia Parliamentary league of Friendship Mr. Minoru Kiuchi on August 27 to promote further parliamentary cooperation with Serbia.
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač paid courtesy call to President of the Japan-Serbia Parliamentary league of Friendship Mr. Ichiro Aisawa(26 August 2021) |
Ambassador of Serbia to Japan, H.E. Ms. Aleksandra Kovač paid courtesy call to President of the Japan-Serbia Parliamentary league of Friendship Mr. Ichiro Aisawa on August 26, to contribute further development of overall bilateral cooperation.
Strengthening Serbian and Jamaican Relations in Japan owing to Tokyo 2020(19 August 2021) |
Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač, Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teiji Hayashi and Chief Operating Officer, Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Yukihiko Nunomura, participated at the Appreciation Ceremony hosted by Minister of Tourism Hon Edmund Bartlett in collaboration with the Embassy of Jamaica in Tokyo for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Volunteer Ms. Tijana Kawashima Stojkovic, half Serbian half Japanese, who helped Jamaican athlete Hansle Parchment to reach the venue and win the gold medal.
Marking the Remembrance Day of all Serbs who died and were expelled in the armed operation "Storm"(5 August 2021) |
The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, attended the marking of Remembrance Day of all the victims and expelled Serbs in the armed operation "Storm" and said that Serbia remembers!
22 July 2021, President Vučić: We have decided – our goal is the EU, but China is an important partner |
We have decided – our goal was and remains the EU, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said in an interview with the German daily "Handelsblatt", adding that there is no alternative for Serbia, but also stressing that China is an important partner for Serbia, and that the task of the state is to take care about the interests of its citizens.
20 July 2021, Serbia has achieved great success in the field of digitalization |
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, stated at a gathering dedicated to digitalization and the IT sector, which was held in New York, that since she became Prime Minister, she is most proud of Serbia's success in the field of digitalization.
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Address by the President of the Republic of Serbia at the session of the United Nations Security Council (9 June 2021) |
Dear Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, members of the delegations
I would point to a few ongoing issues in my speech that refer to the competences of the Mechanism, namely, the possibility of serving the sentences passed by the ICTY and Mechanism in the Republic of Serbia, with the current practice of disabling early release of the sentenced persons as well as obligation of the Mechanism regarding protection of sentenced persons.
The second part of the speech will be dedicated to issues that are opened by the six –month Report on the work of the Mechanism by Mechanism President Mr. Agius and Report by the Chief Prosecutor Mr. Serge Brammertz, especially regarding current cooperation of the Republic of Serbia and the Mechanism.
The third part of my speech, and I noticed that in many of your statements even today, is going to be the view of Serbia on everything that took place in The Hague Tribunal and what the Tribunal verdicts brought to people in the region of former Yugoslavia.

Minister Selaković presented the new e-Consulate service (25 May 2021) |
A new service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "e-Consulate" was presented in Belgrade today, intended for foreign citizens who apply for a visa and aspire to come to Serbia to work. |
On-line application for issuing D visas – for employment |
On-line application for issuing D-employment visas has started in the Republic of Serbia. Visa D allows entry into the Republic of Serbia and stay between 90 and 180 days. It also enables the regulation of temporary residence in Serbia.
If you are sure that you meet the requirements for visa D - for employment and have all the necessary documents, you can apply electronically, at the following link:
https://econsulate.gov.rs/ |
【Live from Serbia】Invest in Serbia seminar(20 May) |
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Vienna office, Development Agency of Serbia (RAS), Mizuho Bank, Ltd. cordially invite you to the first online seminar “Invest in Serbia”.
Serbia has witnessed a remarkable development during the past years due to the reforms undertaken that have fostered investors’ confidence. The number of foreign investments in Serbia continues to grow regardless of the challenges that the world is facing due to the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Invitation for a free group course of the Serbian language via Skype (12 May 2021) |
Within the project “Learning Serbian as a heritage language through an online group course”, the Academic Serbian Association invites all the people from the Serbian diaspora, age 14 to 20, to apply for a free group course of the Serbian language via Skype. Serbian-speaking people from the diaspora, ages 14 to 20, can apply for a free group course of the Serbian language via Skype until the 13th of June 2021. During this course, their mentors will be teachers from the Academic Serbian Association, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Application requirements are that the students haven’t attended any Serbian as a heritage language course via Skype in Academic Serbian Association and that they have to share the post about the course from the Facebook ASA profile on their Facebook profiles.
Details and application are available here |
President Vučić met via video link with representatives of the IMF delegation (23 April 2021) |
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić talked today via a video link with the representatives of the delegation of the International Monetary Fund led by the Head of the Mission, Jan Kees Martijn. The interlocutors concluded that Serbia's main goal remains to preserve the hard-earned reputation of a fiscally secure country, as well as to continue with a responsible fiscal policy so that public debt does not exceed 60 per cent of GDP, whereby Serbia continues to work on further economic growth.
Meeting with the World Health Organization Regional Director for Europe (20 April 2021) |
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić met today with the Regional Director of the World Health Organisation for Europe Hans Kluge, to discuss cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as cooperation in improving health care in our country and other joint activities.
WHO describes immunisation process in Serbia as impressive (20 April 2021) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked today with World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge about the epidemiological situation and the course of immunisation of citizens in Serbia.
Selakovic: Pristina persists in its campaign of hatred against the Serbian people (19 Аpril 2021) |
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic stated today that Pristina further persisted in its campaign of hatred against the Serbian people, which was most drastically seen in the unfounded accusations of mass rapes and genocide.
Selakovic: Political extremism of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija is becoming stronger (19 April 2021) |
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic warned, at the United Nations Security Council meeting, that the political extremism among Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija was not decreasing, but on the contrary, was becoming stronger.
Pianist Aisa Ijiri's concert at the Embassy (16 April 2021) |
In cooperation with the Association for the Promotion of Music Cooperation between Serbia and Japan, led by the spouse of former Ambassador to Serbia Mrs. Etsuko Tsunozaki Ecuko Cunozaki, a gift from the Japanese concert pianist Ms. Aisa Ijiri was presented to the Embassy on April 15. At the piano concert that followed, Ms. Aisa Ijiri perfromed the works of Serbian composer Aleksandar Vujic, as well as Robert Schumann and specially for this occassion composed composition "Peace" by the British pianist and female composer Melanie Spanswick. |
Meeting with the delegation of the Japanese group "NIDEC Corporation"(09 April 2021) |
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić met today with the delegation of the Japanese group "NIDEC Corporation", which plans to build a factory for electric vehicles' propulsion engines in Novi Sad. President Vučić said that the arrival of this Japanese group is great news for Serbia because it will contribute to the development of that city and the entire country. He added that he believes this to be just the beginning of a more extensive arrival of Japanese investors in Serbia.
On-line application for visa D (8 April 2021) |
The development of the On-line application for D visa is in the final phase and after it is finished, people applying for D Visa based on employment, will be able to fill in the application electronically and attach the necessary documents and proof of payment of the consular fee. This application will facilitate the procedure of submitting the request and contribute to the efficiency of the procedure itself. |
Marking the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the NATO aggression (31 March 2021) |
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic made a statement on the occasion of marking the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the NATO aggression.
"Your Holiness, distinguished Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, distinguished Speakers of the National Assemblies of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, distinguished Prime Ministers of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, distinguished Ministers of both Governments, dear guests and friends, representatives of the Serbian People from Montenegro, North Macedonia, Croatia, thank you for the fact that we are all together tonight and that the Serbian spirit is unbreakable and invincible.
Business Activity of Companies in the Republic of Serbia Q4 2020 (22 March 2021) |
Business Activity of Companies in the Republic of Serbia Q4 2020 - please download brochure here
Why invest in Serbia? (22 March 2021) |
Why invest in Serbia brochures of Development Agency of Serbia - download here and here
Commemorating Remembrance Day of 17 March 2004 - Pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija (18 March 2021) |
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic participated today in the commemoration of the Remembrance Day of 17 March 2004 - Pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija. He said that exactly 17 years ago, a pogrom took place in Kosovo and Metohija, and that pogrom surpassed all other crimes. |
Selakovic: Fight against all forms of crime is a priority of the Serbian Government (9 March 2021) |
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic said today that the fight against all forms of crime was a top priority of the Serbian Government and an integral part of the EU accession process.
"It is also our moral duty, in order to leave a better world for the generations to come", Selakovic said participating via video-link at the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, held in Kyoto.
Spa and Special Climate regions in Serbia - Investment potential (1 March 2021) |
Located in the heart of Balkans, Serbia's nature officialy consists of 28 spas and 19 special climate districts.
For overview of the investment potential of spa and special climate regions in Serbia please see the deails in the presentation prepared by the Development Agency of Serbia
Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana elected as the new Patriarch of Serbia (22 February 2021) |
The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church elected His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana, PhD, as the new Serbian Patriarch, in its convocation in Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in Belgrade on 18 February 2021.
Immediately after the election a thanksgiving service was officiated and Many Years was chanted to the Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Porfirije. Bells at Saint Sava Cathedral in the Vracar district of Belgrade rang a few minutes before 4:00 pm indicating that the 46th Patriarch of Serbia was elected.
Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia (15 February 2021) |
Today, on February 15, Republic of Serbia celebrates the Statehood Day.
Video message prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia on this occasion can be seen here https://youtu.be/Jh6idN_HKsQ
President Vucic: Serbia is ready for dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, but will refuse being humiliated (11 February 2021) |
President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Army Aleksandar Vucic attended a demonstration of capabilities of one part of Serbian Army units in the "Rastko Nemanjić" barracks in Pancevo. On this occasion, President Vucic stated that Serbia was ready to continue the EU-facilitated dialogue with Pristina at any point, while respecting also the position of the United States as well as the positions of Russia and China.
The President said that he would rather put his "head on the chopping block" than sign any document with a recognition and reminded that he had already once refused to do so in Washington, where there were two versions of the agreement. |
Rising trend in bilateral relations between Japan and Serbia (10 February 2021) |
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic met with the newly-appointed
Ambassador of Japan to Serbia Takahiko Katsumata.
Selakovic noted that the bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan were on an ascending line in the recent years, not only in terms of political dialogue, but also in the field of economic cooperation. |
Minister Selakovic speaks for Politika: The year of rejuvenation of Serbian diplomacy (28 January 2021) |
Serbia's foreign policy positions are naturally being adjusted to the new developments at the international level, but our foreign policy priorities have not changed in a long time. Our top and most important interest is to preserve good-neighbourly relations and stability and peace in the region and, in the same context, to find a peaceful and just solution to the problems in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said in an interview with Politika daily.
Another lasting interest of ours is full membership of the European Union, because this is the type of society we strive for. At the bilateral level, our goal is to strengthen ties with traditional friends, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, but also to build new partner relations with the United States. One of the most important tasks of our foreign policy is to improve the position and protect the rights and identity of our people in the region, as well as to provide various types of support to Serbs in the diaspora. All these are very important and more often than not complementary goals, Nikola Selakovic pointed out.
Open call for the Co-Financing of projects for the Translation of Representative Works of Serbian Literature into Foreign Languages in 2021 |
The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia announces the open call for the Co-Financing of projects for the Translation of Representative Works of Serbian Literature into Foreign Languages in 2021, which will be open until March 09, 2021.
Competition texts and accompanying application forms can be found at the following link of the Ministry of Culture and Information: www.kultura.gov.rs
For additional information about the competition, interested parties can contact Mladen Veskovic by email: mladen.veskovic@kultura.gov.rs or by phone: +381 11 3398026. |
President Vucic: Serbia is the first in Europe in terms of growth (14 January 2021) |
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic pointed out that Serbia is the first in Europe in terms of economic growth, which will be officially confirmed at the end of March, and that this was possible owing to the reform measures taken since 2014 and the rapid opening of the country after the first wave of corona virus.
The President pointed out that Serbia had a growth of 5.2 percent in the first quarter, while the Eurozone was at minus 3.2 percent, in the second quarter Serbia had a growth of minus 6.3 percent, while the Eurozone was at minus 14.7 percent, and in the third quarter, when the Eurozone was at minus 4.3 percent, Serbia's figure was only minus 1.4 percent.
Vucic stated that Montenegro, for example, recorded as much as 26 percent minus in the third quarter.
Every Serb in the diaspora is potentially a lobbyist (5 January 2021) |
Our compatriots living abroad are one of the great potentials that the state has not recognized in the right way so far, which is why a different approach is needed to the issue of how to strengthen our diaspora and use the good will of people who are potential lobbyists for the interests of Serbia and the Serbian people, Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said.
"When it comes to Serbs in the diaspora, and especially in the region, this issue has been a kind of an unattended crop which requires a lot of work, and even when a lot is done at once this is not apparent immediately ", Minister Selakovic stated in an interview with Tanjug.
Minister Selakovic: New ambassadors will be appointed this year, but the goals remain the same (5 January 2021) |
This year, Serbia could finally have Ambassadors and Consuls General appointed to about a third of the currently vacant positions in the country's diplomatic and consular missions in the world, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic is convinced that most of these positions will be filled, as he points out, by the best possible people.
"In the next year, I am convinced that the majority of these vacancies will be filled", Selakovic told Tanjug, emphasizing that the work is being done gradually, because the state wants to show that is has a quality staff who will represent Serbia's interests in the best possible way.
President Vucic: Serbia to remain on the course of a winning policy of stability (30 December 2020) |
Preservation of peace, taking care of the health and better living standard are key for Serbia in 2021, underlined President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic, convinced that even though the completion of this ambitious and by no means easy task will be anything but straightforward, best results can be achieved by working in concert with the Government, while ensuring security and a future of certainty for the citizens.
The President said that Serbia has set for itself great and ambitious goals for the next year, notwithstanding the complex international and regional circumstances, and that it will endeavour to fully preserve peace and stability in the region and the country, while safeguarding the vital national and state interests.
Serbian Prime Minister the first PM in Europe to receive a Covid-19 vaccine (25 December 2020) |
Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Ana Brnabic received today the first vaccine against the coronavirus made by Pfizer company, at the Torlak Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera.
Brnabic, who is the first European Prime Minister to receive the vaccine, pointed out that this day may be the first since 6 March that we have a reason for a smile on our faces as it marks the beginning of the end of the coronavirus pandemic in Serbia, but also in Europe and the world. |
Serbia most important partner of Japan in region (24 December 2020) |
Prime Minister Ana Brnabic wished welcome today to newly-appointed Ambassador of Japan to Serbia Takahiko Katsumata, stating that she is very satisfied with the progress of bilateral and economic relations of the two countries.
Bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan are the result of traditional friendship, mutual understanding and the upward trend of political dialogue, Brnabic said and added that she is personally satisfied with the exceptional success of Japanese companies on our market.
President Vučić receives credentials from the newly appointed Ambassador of Japan (11 December 2020) |
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić received today letters of credence from the newly appointed Ambassador of Japan, Takahiko Katsumata, who conveyed the message of Emperor Naruhito to the President. The Japanese emperor expressed sincere sympathies over the health situation in Serbia caused by the coronavirus and hopes for further improvement of cooperation and friendship between the two countries. |
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day (11 December 2020) |
On the occasion of 10 December, the international Human Rights Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia reaffirms its commitment to the principles and values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on this day in 1948. |
Charge d’Affaires a.i. paid a courtesy call to the leader of the KOMEITO party (November 25, 2020) |
Charge d’Affaires a.i. Mrs. Ivana Golubović-Duboka paid a courtesy call to the leader of the KOMEITO party Mr. Natsuo Yamaguchi on November 19.
The meeting was also attended by Komeito MPs Mr. Masaaki Taniai, Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, and Mr. Katsuo Yakura, Chairman of the Committee on Youth and Student Affairs, also a member of the Japan-Serbia Parliamentary Friendship Association.
Book of condolences on the occasion of the death of His Holiness Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Irinej (24 November 2020) |
On the occasion of the death of His Holiness Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Irinej the book of condolences will be opened at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia on Tuesday, November 24th, Wednesday, November 25th and Thursday, November 26th from 11.00 to 16.00.
The signing of the book of condolences will be organized with all preventive measures and recommendations on the protection of public health of the competent authorities in Japan.
Due to Covid 19, condolences can be sent to the Embassy e-mail embassy.tokyo@mfa.rs
SERBIA - Emerging tech development hub (6 October 2020) |

New brochure SERBIA - Emerging tech development hub with details on support to the development of innovative economy was published by the Government of the Republic of Serbia at the following link https://innovations.serbiacreates.rs/
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Signing of Tax Convention between Republic of Serbia and Japan (22 July 2020) |
Convention between Japan and the Republic of Serbia for the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance was signed on July 21 in Belgrade by H.E. Mr. Sinisa Mali, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Serbia and H.E. Mr. Junichi Maruyama, Ambassador of Japan in the Republic of Serbia.
This is the first tax convention to be concluded between the Republic of Serbia and Japan in light of the development of economic relationship between the two countries. It is expected that, while eliminating double taxation and preventing international tax evasion and tax avoidance, this Convention promotes further mutual investments and economic exchanges between the two countries.
Press relase on the signing of the Convention was published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Ministry of Finance of Japan.
Interview with Japanese pianist Aisa Ijiri in the Belgrade magazine "Diplomacy&Commerce" |
Diplomacy&Commerce, Belgrade monthly magazine in English language, published an article titled “Aisa Ijiri, A Japanese living in London, in love with Serbia: Belgrade is One of My Sweet Homes!”.
Novak Djokovic awarded the special charter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (30 May 2020) |
At the ceremony held on May 29 on the occasion of the Day of Diplomacy of the Republic of Serbia, the most trophy-winning Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic received the Charter for exceptional personal engagement and contribution in promoting the interests of the Republic of Serbia and its people in the world. The prestigious recognition was handed over by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić. |
VISA SERVICES (22 May 2020) |
The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo is restarting the acceptance of visa applications from foreign nationals planing to enter Republic of Serbia.
Further details are availbe here |
On May 21, 2020 the Government of the Republic of Serbia passed the Decision on the termination of the Decision on closing all border crossings for entry into the Republic of Serbia ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 37/20), the Decision on termination of the Decision on closing border crossings ("Official Gazette of the RS", 25/20, 27/20, 35/20, 47/20 and 66/20) and the Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the Proclamation of the COVID-19 disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus an infectious disease ("Official Gazette of RS", 23/20, 24/20, 27,20, 28/20, 30/20, 32/20, 35/20, 37/20, 38/20 , 39/20, 43/20, 45/20, 48/20, 49/20, 59/20, 60/20, 66/20, 67/20, 72/20, 73/20 and 75/20).
The decisions were published in the "Official Gazette of RS", no. 76/20 of 21 May 2020 and entered into force on 22 May 2020.
In accordance with the above decisions, all border crossings of the Republic of Serbia have been opened and since May 22, 2020 they are functioning in the usual regime.
Amendments to the Decision on declaring COVID-19 a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus a contagious disease lifted the ban on entering the Republic of Serbia, as well as epidemiological measures for all categories of domestic and foreign citizens. To enter the Republic of Serbia, a special consent is no longer required, i.e. a permit for entry for citizens of the Republic of Serbia, as well as for the entry of all categories of foreign citizens.
All persons entering the Republic of Serbia - instead of previous isolation measures and the obligation to have a negative PCR test - are given a written notice during passport control - a health warning about the measures to be followed to prevent the occurrence, spread and suppression of COVID-19.
Foreign citizens whose temporary residence in the Republic of Serbia expired after the day of declaration of the state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia due to the epidemic of the infectious disease COVID-19, may enter the Republic of Serbia no later than July 1, 2020 and legally submit a request for extension of temporary residence within 30 days from the day of entry into the Republic of Serbia.
In order to facilitate access to cultural contents to the citizens of Serbia as well as to users from other countries during COVID-19 epidemic, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Serbia made available a large scale of programs of National Cultural Institutions in digital format in different languages (virtual tours, digital audio and video materials, photos, texts, 3D scanned objects, etc). А list of digital cultural content offered by cultural institutions of the Republic of Serbia is on the web site of the Ministry of Culture and Information |
In order to protect against the introduction of infectious diseases to the territory of Serbia, FOREIGN NATIONALS АRE FOR NOW PROHIBITED FROM ENTERING THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA (excluding exceptional cases).
The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo will not be accepting visa applications from foreign nationals planing to enter Republic of Serbia until further notice. |
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic on 15 March chaired a meeting of the Covid-19 crisis response team and the Crisis team for eliminating the possible and harmful effects of the coronavirus on the economy. After the meeting, President Vucic declared a state of emergency throughout the Republic of Serbia.
President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Ana Brnabic and the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic adopted a Decision on the introduction of a state of emergency in accordance with the Constitution on 16 March. The decision came into force.
The borders of the Republic of Serbia are closed to all foreign nationals, with the exception of diplomats accredited in Serbia and foreigners with a residence permit. SERBIAN NATIONALS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED AGAINST TRAVELLING TO SERBIA AT THIS TIME.
Citizens of the Republic of Serbia and foreign nationals residing in the Republic of Serbia, arriving from the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Italy, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Romania, the Kingdom of Spain, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Slovenia and the Hellenic Republic will be placed under mandatory isolation for the period of 28 days.
Citizens of the Republic of Serbia, as well as accredited diplomats and foreign nationals residing in the Republic of Serbia, who enter the Republic of Serbia from other countries will be placed under mandatory house isolation and medical monitoring for the period of 14 days.
Citizens will be provided with a legally binding solution upon entering the country. The implementation of the above-mentioned measures will be closely monitored and any violation will be punishable under the law. This is very important to reduce the movement of citizens, which is one of the main reasons for introducing a state of emergency in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
SERBIA - COVID-19: Measures adopted by the Government on 11 March 2020 |
The Government of the Republic of Serbia on 11 March 2020 adopted new measures and specified some of the existing ones in order to prevent the emergence and spread of the infectious disease COVID-19 and suppress it.
Temporary ban on entry into Serbia for foreign nationals coming from the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and Switzerland applies exclusively to the persons coming from the Hubei Province of the People's Republic of China, the city of Daegu and the North Gyeongsang Province of the Republic of Korea and the Canton of Ticino in Switzerland.
Temporary ban on entry into Serbia for foreign nationals coming from Italy and the Islamic Republic of Iran remains in effect.
International road traffic is being diverted to major border crossings, whereas 44 smaller and occasional border crossings will be temporarily closed.
Presentation of Serbia at the Embassy in cooperation with Mainichi Shimbun (12 December 2019) |
At the initiative of the Mainichi Shimbun Travel Agency, which operates as part of Mainichi Shimbun, one of Japan's largest daily newspapers, Embassy hosted a presentation "Delicious Lecture on Serbia" for thirty guests on December 12th.
Serbian-Japanese Duo "Fugo" concert at the Embassy (21 November 2019) |
Serbian-Japanese Duo "Fugo" held a concert at the Embassy on 21 November in cooperation with the Association for the Promotion of Music Cooperation between Serbia and Japan.
Embassy Award Ceremony at the 45th Exhibition of Japan Modern Naive Art Painting (11 November 2019) |
In accordance with the tradition established in 2009, Embassy award was presented to the Japan Modern Naive Art Painter Ai Fujiishima for her work "The Dream Fairy Tale" at the ceremony held by the Japan Modern Naive Art Society on November 11 at the Ueno Royal Museum in Tokyo.
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Remembering painter and sculptor Milan Tucovic at the Embassy (7 November 2019) |
Embassy, in cooperation with the Tokyo Steps Gallery, organized the commemoration of the late Serbian painter and sculptor Milan Tucovic (1965-2019) on 7 November.
Novi Sad (SRB) crowned FIBA 3x3 World Tour winners for the fourth time in Utsunomiya (2-3 November 2019) |
Novi Sad (SRB) won the 8th edition of the FIBA 3x3 World Tour in Utsunomiya, Japan, defeating Princeton (USA) in the final on November 2-3.
Novi Sad player Tamas Ivosev was named MVP of the World Tour Final after leading Novi Sad in scoring with 30 points.
On 1 November 2019 in Utsunomiya FIBA officially unveiled that Serbia as one of the 3 top temas in FIBA 3x3 Ranking in the men’s category qualified directly to the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
©FIBA 3x3 World Tour Utsunomiya Final 2019 Committee
©FIBA 3x3 World Tour Utsunomiya Final 2019 Committee
LP Duo concert at the Embassy (1 November 2019) |
The piano duo from Serbia "LP Duo", comprising Sonja Loncar and Andrija Pavlovic, along with Japanese pianist Aisa Ijri, held a concert at the Embassy on 1 November in cooperation with the Association for the Promotion of Music Cooperation between Serbia and Japan.
Agreement on General Academic Collaboration between the University of Belgrade and National Institute for Fusion Science (1 November 2019) |
During her visit to Japan, University of Belgrade Rector Ms. Ivanka Popovic, PhD participated in the ceremony held at NINS (National Institute of Natural Sciences, Japan) on 1 November 2019 on the occassion of signing of Agreement on General Academic Collaboration between the University of Belgrade and National Institute for Fusion Science which is also a part of NINS.
Successful visit of Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia Ms. Ana Brnabic to Japan |
Meeting of Prime Minister Ms. Ana Brnabic with Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Shinzo Abe on 21 October 2019

Presentation of Novi Sad 2021 European Capital of Culture in Tokyo/Shibaura House on 16 October 2019 (Wednesday) |
Presentation & Networking event on European Capital of Culture - Galway (2020) and Novi Sad (2021) will be held on 16 October 2019 in Shibaura House in Tokyo.

Novak Djokovic at Japan Open in Tokyo (1 October 2019) |
Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic is participating at this week’s ATP 500 event in Tokyo.
Ambassador Glišić meets with Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan Tadamori Oshima (20 August 2019) |
Ambassador Nenad Glišić met on 20 August with Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan Mr. Tadamori Oshima.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić meets Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Taro Kono in Belgrade (15 August 2019) |
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić on 15 August met in Belgrade with Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Taro Kono, who is on a day-long visit to Serbia.
Train Driver's Diary (Serbian: Dnevnik mašinovođe) at cinemas across Japan from 17 August 2019 |
Serbian movie Train Driver's Diary (Serbian: Dnevnik mašinovođe) will be screened at cinemas across Japan starting from 17 August 2019.

Movies from Serbia at the Niigata International Film Festival (1-2 June 2019) |
Nine short movies from Serbia and one animated from Japan were shown on 1 and 2 June at the International Film Festival in Niigata, within a special program entitled "Selection of the Japanese – Serbian Film Festival (JSFF)".
Exhibition "Beautiful Serbia" in Tokyo TEN Gallery (26 April - 18 May 2019) |
The exhibition "Beautiful Serbia" was staged at the Tokyo TEN Gallery, from 26 April to 18 May, at the initiative by the artist Akiko Koga, who works with the Embassy on the promotion of Serbian art in Japan. Panels in Japanese language about Serbian tradition at the time of the Feast, on Easter and Christmas, as well as the UNESCO cultural heritage of Serbia, were on display. The Exhibition also presented the photographs of natural beauties, as well as of Nikola Tesla and his achievements and successful Olympic medallists, objects of folk craftsmanship, naive folk art, national costumes, souvenirs and texts about Serbia. The Japanese flag with messages of support, written by the citizens of Belgrade after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011, was also displayed.
Ambassador Nenad Glisic presented a gold medal to Mrs Etsuko Tsunozaki (12 April 2019) |
At a ceremony hosted by the Embassy of Serbia in Tokyo on 12 April 2019 Ambassador Nenad Glišić presented a gold medal to Mrs Etsuko Tsunozaki, Chairperson of the Association for the Promotion of Music Exchange between Serbia and Japan and a member of the Japan-Serbia Society, for a long-standing contribution to the promotion of our country in Japan.
Ambassador Glišić's interview in "Shukan Shincho" magazine (28 March 2019) |
Magazine in Japanese language "Shukan Shincho" published in it's April issue an interview about Serbian cuisine with Ambassador Nenad Glišić in the section "Tasting food from around the world".
"Serbia as a country with wonderful nature, where agriculture has long been the main industry, can be said to be a gourmet's paradise. We are proud of our meat, pork in particular, and of our wines too. By their quality, our cheeses can compete with best Italian cheeses. I am convinced that the Japanese will love them", ambassador Glišić said.
"Shukan Shincho" is a weekly published since 1956 and sold across Japan. It has a circulation of around 500,000 copies.
Serbian Music Festival at the Embassy (15 March 2019) |
World Piano Teachers Association Japan/WPTA, with support from Association for musical cooperation Serbia-Japan and Japan-Serbia Sociate, held Serbian Music Festival at the Embassy on 15 March 2019.
As a part of the Festival, an auditon was held with Ms. Keiko Naoe and Ms. Yoko Naka performing piano works by Serbian composer Aleksandar S. Vujić (1945-2017), with a possibility for one of them to participate at the World Piano Conference in Novi Sad this year.
President of WPTA Ms. Rika Fukuda (piano), president of the Association Ms. Etusko Tsunozaki (violin) and Ms. Eriko Hayakawa (piano) dressed in Serbian national costumes held a recital perfroming works of Aleksandar S. Vujić, Isidor Bajić, Milenko Živković and Kornelije Stanković, as well as some of the famous compositions from Serbia, including Tamo daleko. Works by Franz List (Love Dream, with participation of soprano Ms. Yukari Tsukamura) and Johann Strauss II (The Blue Danube) were also performed.
Painting of Marijana Anđelić at the biggest art event in Japan (7-11 March 2019) |
The biggest international art event in Japan Art Fair Tokyo 2019 held in Tokyo in the program World Art Tokyo presented works of artists from 31 countries recommended by their embassies in cooperation with organisers. From Serbia the work of Marijana Anđelić "Lepo hodi" (mineral pigments on Japanese paper washi) was presented.
Joint exhibition in Tokyo by painter Milan Tucović and two Japanese artists (5-14 March 2019) |
At the gallery of one of Japan's best known universities, Waseda University in Tokyo, an exhibition of works by Serbian painter Milan Tucovicć and two Japanese artists, Mitsunori Kurashige and Sogo Masanori entitled "Far Away" will be open from 5 to 14 March. On display were also works by Milan Tucovic painted during his stay in Japan.
Japanese media reports about Serbia on the occasion of the Statehood Day |
The leading Japanese media in English language "Japan Times" and "Yomiuri Shimbun - Japan News" published special articles on Serbia on the occasion of the Statehood Day. The text written by Ambassador Nenad Glisic was published and headlined "In honour of 137 years of friendship with Japan." President of the Parliamentary League of Friendship between Japan and Serbia Ichiro Aisawa and President of the Japan-Serbia Association Tadashi Nagai also wrote about the "prospering of cultural and sports cooperation".
The news of the celebration of the Statehood Day at the Serbian Embassy was posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan with the photographs of Ambassador Glisic and Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Kenji Yamada.
Hofu: Exhibitions on Tesla and on Serbian monuments (26 January - 3 March 2019) |
Exhibition staged by the Nikola Tesla Museum was formally launched on 26 January in Hofu Science Museum Solar, Yamaguchi Prefecture, at the initiative of the Japan-Serbia Association. Three tons of museum stock have been transported from the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade including solar panels, models of laboratories and the Tesla coil, while the Tesla bust was loaned from the Serbian Embassy. The exhibition closes on 3 March. |
"Serbian Month" at JICA Global Plaza (January - February 2019) |
In coopration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Embassy organized "Serbian Month" at the premises of the JICA Global Plaza in Tokyo.
"Serbian Month" included photo exhibition of Serbian scenic beauties, world heritage sites and traditional artefacts as well as video presentations and an opportunity to sample Serbian dishes at the JICA restaurant. Also various presentations were held on the Serbian culture and customs, tourist potential, sports and on its cooperation with Japan.
Ambassador Glisic about Serbia on TV Osaka (20 December 2019) |
Ambassador Nenad Glišić appeared on a TV Osaka show "Wafu Sohonke" devoted to old Japanese handicrafts and tradition, in the part titled" "Foreign embassy requests - do you have anything to be repaired?" He gave the television crew for repair his acoustic guitar from the 70's, made by the famous Japanese company "Tokai", founded in 1947. The TV crew took the guitar to the Tokai factory in the town of Hamamatsu, where it was repaired. |
Screening of the film "The Long Journey to War" at Meiji University (21 November 2018) |
Students of the Meiji University School of Arts and Letters attended a screening of "The Long Journey to War", a Serbian documentary film about the causes of World War I, directed by Miloš Škundrić. The screening held on 21 November was sponsored by the Serbian Embassy in Tokyo, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture and the Media of the Republic of Serbia.
Promotion of Serbian cook book in Japanese (9 November 2018) |
Promotion of a book in the Japanese language "Learn to cook Serbian food with Jelena" by Jelena Jeremič was held at the Embassy on 9 November. The book publishing was made possible by the Association for the Promotion of Music Cooperation between Serbia and Japan, headed by the spouse of the former Japanese Ambassador to Serbia Ms. Etsuko Tsunozaki. The book was printed by the Japanese publisher "Buna no mori" and will be sold in the bookstores across Japan as from 5 December.
Presentation of Serbia at Ebara Dai-ichi Junior High School in Tokyo (12 October 2018) |
On 12 October Ms. Jelena Nikolić and Ms. Tijana Nagato from the Embassy held presentation of Serbia for 170 second year students of Ebara Dai-ichi Junior High School in Shinagawa-ku in Tokyo.
News about the presentation on Shinagawa-ku website
Presentation on Serbia's UNESCO World Heritage List Monuments (11 October 2018) |
On 11 October Serbian monuments inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List were presented at the Embassy for about 60 invitees from UNESCO associations which have their offices in various municipalities of Tokyo.
Embassy presents Serbian slava - family patron saint celebration (2 October 2018) |
At the initiative launched by the Tokyo-based non-governmental organization International Artist Centre, Embassy organized a presentation of Serbian slava for some forty guests on 2 October. The presentation about the history and culture of Serbia, including the slava-related customs was given by Ms. Tijana Nagato who wore the national costume from Central Serbia. The guests had the opportunity to see the customs pertaining to the food served at the table on the occasion, the grain prepared cake and the cracking of slava unleavened bread alongside Serbian traditional food: cornmeal bread, ajvar (Serbian vegetable caviar), Shopska salad, home-made biscuits, all prepared by Embassy staff with the help of Centre representatives.
Ichinomiya: Embassy receives drawing awards on behalf of childrenb (20 September 2018) |
Five children from Serbia were awarded as part of the exhibition of Serbian children's drawings staged by Japanese NGO International Kids Art Association, at Ichinomiya City Memorial Art Museum of Migishi Setsuko. On 20 September, representatives of the Serbian Embassy, Mr. Chihaya Oyaizu and Ms. Ivana Golubović – Duboka, received the awards on behalf of the children at the exhibition opening ceremony.
More than one hundred drawings were on display in the museum. The awarded young artists from Serbia include Anastasija Mitrović, Kristina Celikić, Sofija Morača, Dusan Nenadić and Tijana Perić, and the Embassy will make sure that the award certificates are delivered to them in Serbia.
The project is also significant for the Serbia-Japan relations in the field of culture, taking into account the fact that by connecting the youngest generation a potential is generated for fostering close ties among the two countries' youth in the future.
Ancient Roman Culture in Serbia thorough five senses (4 September 2018) |
On 4 September Embassy organized presentation of dishes served at the court of Roman Emperors at the initiative of the Japan – Serbia Society, in collaboration with the Society for the Promotion of Music Cooperation between Japan and Serbia. President of the Japan – Serbia Society Tadashi Nagai and Ambassador Nenad Glišić underlined that a significant number of Roman emperors was born in Serbia, recommending the guests to visit Roman archaeological sites of Viminacium and Gamzigrad when travelling to Serbia.
Japanese writer Masashi Endo, author of the book Food of the Remote Past, held a lecture on Ancient Roman Food, focusing particularly on the territory of today's Serbia and the area's impact on the ingredients used in the preparation of food in the late antique period.
To the tunes of music from the Roman Empire period, guests were served dishes cooked according to the recipes of Roman imperial court chefs prepared by Masashi Endo.
The book entitled "Roman Emperors' Routes" (Itinerarium Romanum Serbiae) by a group of authors Miomir Korać, Snežana Golubović and Nemanja Mrdjić was also presented for visitors as well as billboards on the topic of the Roman Empire in Serbia and a tourist tour on the Roman Emperors' Routes.
Since a highly successful event with the same theme was organized by the Embassy last November, when the interest in participation exceeded the residence capacities, the event was repeated this year to enable the members of the Japan – Serbia Society to get to know more on this part of Serbian history. |
Stall of Serbia at the annual Oi Dontaku Summer Festival (25 August 2018) |
For the sixth consecutive year the Embassy participated at the annual Oi Dontaku Summer Festival (25-26 August) held in Shinagawa-ku. Many citizens who visited the stall learned about Serbia for the first time. |
Launch of boook "Bread and Wild Strawberries" by Prof. Kayoko Yamasaki at the Embassy (7 August 2018) |
On 7 August the Embassy hosted a launch event for "Bread and Wild Strawberries", a book by Belgrade University of Philology academic Prof. Kayoko Yamasaki, released in Japanese by Keiso Shobo publisher. |
Visit of Fujimi City primary school students to the Embassy (2 August 2018) |
Eighty primary school students from Fujimi, Sister City of Šabac, visited the Embassy on 2 August.
Mr. Matsuhiro Hoshino, Mayor of Fujimi, expressed satisfaction for the long-standing friendship and cooperation with Šabac and Serbia, as well as hope that Fujimi will be chosen to be the Host Town for Serbian teams for Tokyo Olympics 2020. The mayor also reminded of mutual help and assistance the two counties provide to each other in the times of need, including the aid of the Government of Serbia after the floods that affected Japan in July this year. Ambassador Nenad Glišić welcomed the students and invited them to visit Serbia and Šabac where they would have to opportunity to see Serbian omotenashi. He also invited the students to cheer for Serbian athletes during Tokyo 2020.
During the visit to the Embassy, students had the opportunity to learn about Serbian history, culture and tradition and to see the statue of the Serbian genius Nikola Tesla.
Serbia Government decision on aid to Japan for rehabilitation of flood damages (12 July 2018) |
The Government of the Republic of Serbia has decided on 12 July 2018 to send 500,000 Euros in aid to Japan for rehabilitation of flood damages. At the same time, the Government has expressed sympathy with the citizens of Japan who are our great friends and donors and who provided us with great assistance during the floods in Serbia in 2014. |
Charity bazaar at the Embassy (8 July 2018) |
On 8 July we held Charity bazaar at the Embassy for the purpose of collecting funds for publication of a cookbook in Japanese language. Cookbook of the author Ms. Jelena Jeremić will assemble recipes of Serbian and other Balkan kitchens, including Nikola Tesla Menu, food in Serbian monasteries, food served during Slava etc. Publication of the book is planned for November 2018 with publishing house Buna-no-Mori Co.,Ltd. whose owner Ms. Miho Ogura also promoted the cookbook at the Bazaar.
As a special surprise we also organized a 40 minute concert of the Japanese bend Pyramidos performing songs from Serbia, Greece and Macedonia.
Members of Premium Brilliant Club of Mizuho Bank at the Embassy (14 June 2018) |
In cooperation with JTB, Embassy has organized presenation of Serbia for the members of Mizuho Bank's Premium Brilliant Club on 14 June. Ambassador Nenad Glišić in his welcome speech stressed that friendly relations between Serbia and Japan have a 136 year old tradition. He emphasized that Prime Minister Abe's visit to Serbia in January 2018 has given further impetus to bilateral relations and intererst of Japanies companies and tourists in Serbia. He expressed hope that Premium Brilliant Club members will also decide to visit Serbia and use the opportunity to see her natural beauties, as well as hospitality of Serbian people.
Serbia's winery Toplički vinogradi wine in COSTCO stores across Japan from today (2 June 2018) |
Sale of wine from Serbia TRIBUS VILLA PROKUPAC from winery Toplički vinogradi starts today in COSTCO stores across Japan!
Wine made from 100% Serbian autochthonous grape variety Prokupac can be purchased at COSTCO Japan stores at a bargain price of only ¥728.00 (incl. tax). |
Event announcement - Bazaar at the Embassy on 8 July (Sunday) 10:00-15:00 (entrance free) |
CINEMA POST-YUGO 2018 - Serbian movie CIRCLES (KRUGOVI, 2013) on 21 June (THU) 17:00 University of Tokyo, Hyogo Campus |

Serbia’s entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 86th Academy Awards movie CIRCLES (KRUGOVI, 2013) dir. Srđan Golubović will be screened on 21 June (THU) from 17:00 at University of Tokyo, Hyogo Campus (Faculty of Letters, Auditorium No. 3/Sandai). PDF with details on Cinema Post-Yugo 2018 |
Ambassador and former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Ivan Mrkić conferred Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun in Japan |
At an award ceremony held at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on 8 May 2018 Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun was conferred on Ambassador and former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Ivan Mrkić by His Majesty Emperor Akihito. Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun is the most prestigious decoration awarded in Japan to foreign nationals for special contributions. Considering that in Serbia no one so far has been awarded with imperial decoration of this rank, this is an extremely important honour for the Republic of Serbia as well.
Ambassador Glišić meets Mayor of Fujisawa City Mr. Tsuneo Suzuki at the Embassy |
Ambassador Nenad Glišić met with Mr. Tsuneo Suzuki, Mayor of Fujisawa City (Kanagawa Prefecture) and his associates at the Embassy on 10 April 2018, to discuss sports and other exchanges between Fujisawa City and Serbia

Ambassador with Mayor Suzuki and Mr. Tadahi Nagai, President of Japan Serbia Society and Mr. Osamu Hirashita, Vice President of the Japan Serbia Society |
Ambassador Glišić visits MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD. |
Ambassador Nenad Glišić visited MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD. In Tokyo on 27 March 2018 and met with the President Mr. Shin Maekawa to discuss further cooperation between Serbia and MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., LTD.

Ambassador with President Mr. Shin Maekawa and Hiroshi Okada from Corporate Planning Division |
Ambassador Nenad Glišić visits Kashiwazaki, Host-Town of Serbian Water Polo National Team for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 |
At the invitation of the Mayor of Kashiwazaki Mr. Masahiro Sakurai Ambassdor Mr. Nenad Glišić visited this city in Niigata prefecture on 17 and 18 March 2018. Kashiwazaki is "Host Town" of the Serbian Water Polo National Team for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020.

Ambassador meets President of Japan - Serbia Parliamentarian League of Friendship Mr. Ichiro Aisawa |
On February 22, 2018 Ambassador Nenad Glisic met with Mr. Ichiro Aisawa, President of Japan - Serbia Parliamentarian League of Friendship and other prominent members of the League at the House of Representatives in the Diet of Japan to follow up the successful visit of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Serbia (on January 15, 2018) and to discuss strengthening of the parliamentary cooperation.
Ambassador meets Director of the Economy, Trade and Industry Division of the Liberal Democratic Party |
On February 9th, 2018, Ambassador Nenad Glišić and Deputy Chief of Mission Ms. Ana Kontić met with Mr. Minoru Kiuchi, Director of the Economy, Trade and Industry Division of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Chief of Secretariat of the Japan - Serbia Parliamentary League of Friendship, to discuss the successful visit of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Serbia on January 15, 2018 and to talk about prospects of further enhancement of economic relations between two countries.
Public International Two-Phase Open Competition for the Design of a Conceptual Solution for the Zoran Đinđić Memorial at the Students Square in Belgrade |
City of Belgrade - Belgrade City Administration, Secretariat for Culture announces the Public International Two-Phase Open Competition for the Design of a Conceptual Solution for the Zoran Đinđić Memorial at the Students Square in Belgrade |
Embassy reception on Serbia Statehood Day on 15 February 2017 |
Embassy of the Republic of Serbia hosted reception on 15 February 2017 on Serbia Statehood Day. Over 250 guests attended the event, including the State Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Nobuo Kishi as the Chief Guest, senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of Japanese business community, cultural and scientific community, academia, media, members of the Serbian community and the diplomatic corps.
Two Japanese daily newspapers in English language, Japan News and Japan Times, carried Ambassador of Serbia’s message as well as congratulatory messages by the Japanese dignitaries.
『東京まで、セルビア Srbija do Tokija』book by author Branka Takahashi launched at the Embassy on 13 January 2017 |
On 13 January 2017, on the eve of New Year’s according to the Julian calendar, Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo organized launch of the newly published book in Japanese language 『東京まで、セルビア Srbija do Tokija』("Serbia to Tokyo") by author Branka Takahashi published by “Michitani Publishing House” in December 2016 - book link in Japanese
Embassy booth at the August Oi Festa 2016 |
For the sixth consecutive year, the Embassy of the Repbulic of Serbia participated at the popular Shinagawa summer festival Oi Festa on 28 August 2016. The booth of the Embassy was visited by a large number of people out of which many heard about Serbia for the first time. Our Japanese friends and Serbian citizens living in Japan also visited us.
Natural soaps “Sofi”, fruit jams with natural ingredients without a trace of artificial preservatives “Bakina tajna” and various other Serbian products were available for purchase, as well as home made Serbian dishes and cakes made by Embassy staff. Travel brochures about Serbian tourist spots were also distributed. Students of “Toyo Eiwa” University in Yokohama organized Instagram photo sessions with a frame title “Serbiagram” and distributed booklets made by themselves with Serbian food recipes. Every visitor also got mosquito repellant samples from Japanese company “Kincho” with a leaflet on the history of the company and the connection between “Kincho” and Serbia by the Pyrethrum flower (bela rada in Serbian) which is the starting point of the company’s long history. |
Presentation of Serbia in Kodaira-shi in July 2016 |
In July 2016 a seminar on Serbia was held at Kodaira City. The initiative of Kodaira City followed several exchanges in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo in 2015 and first half of 2016 and was part of a plan of Kodaira City candidature for Host Town of Serbian athletes during the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics 2020.
Seminar for approximately fifty Kodaira citizens was held on three different days in a span of three weeks. At the three hour long workshops the participants had the possibility to learn about the plans for their ciy to host Serbian sportsmen and sportswomen during the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics 2020 and Serbia’s great sport achievements in the world and Olympic championships. |
Seminar on Serbian basketball at the Embassy on 29 June 2016 |
At the initiative of the Japanese NPO “Next Big Pivot” a workshop/seminar “Getting to Know the World Through Basketball – First Episode: Serbia” on 29 June 2016 at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo ahead of participation of the Japan Men’s Basketball National Team at the FIBA Qualifying Tournament 2016 4-9 July in Belgrade. |
Presentation of Serbia for the Japanese university students on 20 June 2016 |
With the support of the Chairman of the Yokohama company “Toa Gas” company Mr. Toshio Tanabe and in order to deepen the knowledge on, geography, history, culture, economic and tourism potentials of Serbia, the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo organized a presentation of Serbia on 20 June 2016 for 22 students of Keio University, Kanagawa University, Chuo University, Nihon Joshi University and Toyo Eiwa University.
The entire event was filmed by TV Kanagawa.
FIVB Volleyball World Grand Prix 2016 Group 1 in Kyoto |
National team of Serbia in Volleyball will be playing matches in Kyoto 24-26 June at the FIVB Volleyball Grand Prix 2016. Our team will be playing at the Shimazu Arena, Kyoto on
24 June (Friday) vs. Russian Federation
25 June (Saturday) vs. Japan
26 June (Sunday) vs. Thailand
At the invitation of the Japan Volleyball Association Ambassador Mr. Nenad Glišić will attend as guest the match between the national teams of the Republic of Serbia and Japan in Kyoto on 25 June starting at 17:50.
Ambassador's Lecture at the Aoyama Gakuin University |
Continuing the good cooperation established during last years between the Embassy and Ms. Kumiko Haba, Professor, PhD(International Relations), Aoyama Gakuin University, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Nenad Glišić held a lecture at this distinguished Tokyo institution on 16 June 2016 focusing on subjects of Serbian foreign policy and challenges it faces on the path to the European Union.
13 May (Friday) 19.00 (entry 18.30) - Concert Ms. Andjela Bratić (flute) accompanied by Svetlana Dejanović Avramović (piano) at the Embassy
22 May (Suday) 10.00 - 15.00 - Humanitarian Bazaar at the Embassy (BBQ planned in case of good weather)
28 May (Saturday) 11.00 - 17.00 and 29 May (Sunday) 10.00 till 16.00 - Yokohama Festival Embassy Booth
25 till 30 April 12.00 till 19.00 Steps Gallery Ginza - Milica Nikolić photographs |